What is Sanath, What is Sanathath and Sanatan Dharma?

Sounds a little strange and confusing? Let us see what Hinduism/ Sanaatana Dharma says about this.

Sree Vishnu Sahasranama makes a reference to these terms though there are references to these terms in Vishnu Purana and Srimad Bhagavatham.It is referred to in Thirumurukaatruppadai ( By Nakkeearar) belonging to Tamil Sangam literature.

Vishnu Sahasranama is from Mahabharata by Veda Vyasa. In Mahabharata Bhishma Under instructions from Bhagwan Sri Krishna instructs what Dharma is Yudhisthira . This is in Anusasan parva. Mahabharata is dated 16th October 5561 BC.

Santath means ‘ one who is the personification of Time which is Eternal.’ Bhagwan Vishnu is described thus. It is an Attribute which is Absolute in Nature.It is beyond Space and Time.

Shankaracharya says thus

‘ Sanaathithibnibhadhaha, Srartha vachanaha, kaalascha parasyai vedhi vikalpana kaapi – Sri Shankara Bhashya on Sri Vishnu Sahasranama.

Sananaththanadhamaya namaha means

‘ As Vishnu is the Primary cause who has no cause to be caused and as He is elder to all Brahma and other Devathas, He is the Oldest.

So the term Sanatana means an Absolute Attribute which personifies Time Eternal.As such the term means older than the oldest.

In Tamil Siva is described as described a

முன்னைப் பரம்பொருட்கு முன்னைப் பரம் பொருளே ‘

The Earliest Reality preceding Reality.

Sanatana Dharma means that Righteous Conduct ,a way of life that is ancient amongst the ancient,Leads one to Liberation from the shackles of births and deaths.

‘sanātsanātanatamaḥ kapilaḥ kapiravyayaḥ ।
svastidaḥ svastikṛtsvastiḥ svastibhuk svastidakṣiṇaḥ ॥ 96 ॥
— Sree Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram


Sanatana Dharma is a Sanskrit term that translates to “eternal dharma” or “eternal order”. It is an alternative name for Hinduism. The term can also be translated as “eternal religion”, “eternal law”, “unshakeable, venerable order”, or “ancient and continuing guideline”.
In Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma refers to the absolute set of duties or religiously ordained practices that all Hindus must follow, regardless of class, caste, or sect.
Sanatana Dharma is commonly equated with Hinduism, but there is no reason to believe that only Hinduism should be equated with Sanatana Dharma. The RSS suggests that Sanatana Dharma has existed since the beginning of civilization and is more comprehensive than Hindu Dharma. AI search result.

Sanatana is a Sanskrit word that means “eternal”, “unchanging” or “everlasting”. It is often used to describe the core principles and values of Hinduism, which are also known as Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana Dharma is the original name of Hinduism, meaning “the eternal way of life” or “the eternal law”. It is based on the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and other Hindu scriptures, which reveal the nature of the Supreme Reality (Brahman), the individual self (Atman), the cosmic order (Rta) and the path of liberation (Moksha). Sanatana Dharma is not a rigid or dogmatic religion, but a flexible and dynamic way of living in harmony with the universal truth. It encompasses various traditions, sects, philosophies, practices and customs that have evolved over thousands of years. Some of the synonyms for Sanatana Dharma are Satya Dharma (the dharma of eternal truth), Atma Dharma (the dharma of self-realisation), Yoga Dharma (the dharma of union with the divine), Veda Dharma (the dharma of transcendent knowledge), Vishva Dharma (the universal dharma) and Manava Dharma (the dharma for all human beings). Sanatana Dharma is also sometimes contrasted with other forms of Hinduism that are more influenced by social, political or cultural factors, such as Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj or Hindu nationalism. These are sometimes called Nava Dharma (new dharma) or Apara Dharma (lower dharma). Sanatana Dharma is not limited to India or Hinduism, but is relevant to all seekers of truth and spirituality, regardless of their background, culture or religion. It is a universal and timeless wisdom that can guide us to our highest potential and ultimate goal. For more information about Sanatana Dharma, you can visit these websites: [Wikipedia](^1^), [News18](^2^), [Yogapedia](^3^) and [Sanatani](^4^).

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/25/2023
(1) Sanātana Dharma – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San%C4%81tana_Dharma.
(2) The Many Dimensions of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma – News18. https://www.news18.com/opinion/opinion-the-many-dimensions-of-hinduism-and-sanatana-dharma-8588774.html.
(3) What is Sanatana Dharma? – Definition from Yogapedia. https://www.yogapedia.com/definition/6240/sanatana-dharma.
(4) Sanātanī – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San%C4%81tan%C4%AB.

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