# I am aware what I am writing below may make one wonder about my Sanity. Yet I am doing it as I want to know the answer.

Even though I teach on Spirituality, I am essentially an Agnostic and will not accept anything easily. This beats me.I have checked all possible sources from where the article I could have come from , Article drafts,Translation history,Published articles , scoured my mobile storage, all my Drives.. Of No Avail.

I have been conducting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam , Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam , Soundaryalahari ,Abhirami anthadi, Vedic Sukta and Sundarakandam interpretation classes for over a year.
There have been some unexplained events over the past three days.
About two days ago, I was instructed to share some information with some selected students , which I did.
I woke up at about 545 AM IST this morning( 1September 2023) and had an urge to look at my mobile . In the morning, I usually look at the Mobile after cup of coffee.
The following article on Sri Vidya in Tamil was found on mobile lock screen.
I didn’t write this. Though I have fair knowledge of Sri Vidya Upasna some information found in the article was new to me.The podcast attached to the article returns with 404!, Not found!
The information in the article is very informative, :however typos and grammatical errors are also found in some places.
I would be very grateful if the devs would let me know about this.
Below is the article, translated from the original article in Tamil.

The translated Article. Translation by Yandex Translate. I have not attempted to proof read even! It was deliberate.

The Article.

Primary source,
Lalitha Sahasranama.
Some of these texts are listed below –
Kamakala Vilasam
Tantraraja Tantra
Tripurana Tantra
Srividyarnava Tantra
Dakshinamurthy Samhita
Gandharva Tantra
Eternal shodashikarnava
Yogini Hrudaya
Mother Mahamaya is the one who covers the world with the veil of ignorance, removes the veil of mercy and makes the whole game of creation.
It’s a cosmic game she does for God, her Leela.Her play can be Seen in the Moon.
The moon of that space is called Chitakasa Chandrika.
Sources of Sri Vidya.

Tantric texts such as Rudra Yamala explain Srividya. The Kadgagamala Stotram is a map and worship of the Sri Chakra.
. In addition to this, many of the oral traditions have Sri Kula texts as collections or as part of the mantra Shastra texts, such as the mantra mahodati, the mantra maharnava and the Sakta texts.
Through meditation, one’s consciousness merges into the object of meditation and perceives the Atman.
The difference between the meditator and the object of meditation is the state of dissolution, which is called samadhi or sayujya.
During meditation one also notices his own presence, different Envelopes of consciousness.

There are five Kosas: Annamaya (body), pranamaya (life-being), Manomaya (mind), vignanamaya (intellect-knowledge) and Anandamaya (causality – Bliss).
The first is blunt, the next three are subtle, and the fifth is causal.
The God of reason dwells in all beings with his consort Maya. She hides the formless form of the divine Brahman.
In Sadhana one himself (by performing mantra JaPa) makes the sound sound in a rhythm, with vibrations of his nadis and breathing.
This can create a deep impression.
This way of connecting the individual with the universe is called Mantra yoga.

There are six centers (chakras).Kundalini is said to have initially curled up in Muladhara.
Shes a mother. She also crosses these rivers from the Mooladhara at the base of the spine to the Ajna on the forehead, and then to the crown of the head (Sahasrara), where the personal consciousness completely merges with the cosmic consciousness.
When you focus on the unity of Shiva and Shakti, it unites Saivism and Sakta. (Iconus)
If one meditates on Devi as a manifestation of Brahman, the cosmic soul, it is Advaita.
Because the spells are magically locked, it’s magical
Goddess Lalita Sahasranama begins to be called the mother, mother of prosperity.

The Lalita Sahasranama describes the goddess Lalita in two short phrases thus. Devotee.
He provides everything for the benefit of the devotees.
She is the universal mother.
Goddess Lalita Sahasranama begins to be called the mother, mother of prosperity.
“Sri Mata, Maharajne”
Sri Vidya, the wisdom of Prosperity, offers the opportunity for Prosperity in this world through the shakuna Upasana and the Nirguna Upasana.
Sri Vidya combines wisdom, devotion, karma and Rajayoga.
Listen to the latest episode of my podcast: Kshetra, what is a holy place? Sri Lalitha Sahasranama shlokam78 https://anchor.fm/ramanispodcast/episodes/What-is-Kshetra-Sacred-Place-Sri-Lalitha-Sahasranama-Sloka-78-e2626em

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