History Of India 1 Ikshvaku To Chandragupta Maurya.

Most History text books in India begin with Maurya Dynasty and Bimbisara,as if there were no history in india before that period,dismissing them as Legends and hyperbole in the imagination of Poets.

The History conveniently begins prior to Alexander’s invasion of India.

Alexander’s invasion of India is a myth as revealed by Greek historians.

But the real history of India,as revealed by the Vedas,Puranas,Ramayana,Mahabharatha,Sanskrit and Tamil literature ,validated by Archeology,foreign literature,especially Greek,Etymological similarities between world languages and Sanskrit and Tamil,Astronomical /Carbon/Infrared dating of artifacts recovered in India and abroad confirm what the Indian texts say.

To understand Indian history,one has to,

Approach Indian texts with open mind,

Verify them with the tools I have mentioned,

Understand that there was no Aryan Invasion,

Sanatana Dharma coexisted with the Tamil culture,which also followedcSanatana Dharma,

There was no North South Divide save the wars between the usual wars between kings,

That the history of India extends to thousands of years,

That the Concept of Time in India is Cyclic and not linear,

There were two major dynasties,Solar and Lunar,Suryavamsa and Chandravamsa and there were many sub dynasties,

The Solar dynasty ,though its ancestor Manu was a Dravidian King,was established in North India,while thexLunar dynasty also flourised in south India,through Ila,Daughter of Manu.

The South Indian  kings trace their ancestry to. Solar ,Ikshvaku Dynasty and also to Lunar dynasty,Chandra vamsa.

The Ikshvahu dynasty frm Treta Yuga ,from million years ago extended upto Dwapara yuga and ended with King Sumitra who was defeated and driven away from Ayodhya.

Then we find continum from that period from Magadha dynasty,which belongs to Lunar Dynasty,Chandravamsa from Bruhatradha.

Lunar, Dynasty,Chandravmsa.image
Lunar dynasty,Chandra vamsa.

‘Barhadradha Dynasty Before the Mahabharata War of 3138 B.C.

1. Barhardradha I :-

According to Mahabharata, Brihadradha-I, the founder of Barhadradha Dynasty was the eldest son of Uparichara Vasu , the seventh in the descent from the Great Kuru, son of Samvarna, a descendant of the Lunar Dynasty (Chandravamsajah) of kings. He founded the kingdom of Magadha probably about 3709 B.C. or 571 years before the Great war of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra between the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

This  battle according to Mahabharata, the important Puranas, and all other ancient Hindu, Bauddha and Jaina authorities and traditions, took place. 36 years before the commencement of the Kaliyuga—the present Yuga.   Kali Yuga  began immediately after the departure of Sri Krishna, son of Vasudeva by Devaki, from this world on the 20th February, 3102 B. C., in the year Pramadhin of the Southern School of Hindu astronomers. (Vide Indian Eras By this author, Kota Venkata Chelam)

Brihadradha married the two beautiful twin daughters of the king of Kasi; and by the blessing of a Rishi, he obtained a most powerful son by name Jarasandha. The king, after installing his mighty son Jarasandha on the throne of Magadha retired into a forest and led an ascetic life. In this context the Mahabharata gave the next prominent dynasty of Jarasandha, leaving some generations of kings in the interval between Brihadradha I and Jarasandha (or Brihadradha II). – (Vide_Mahabharata, Sabha Parva. Adhyayas 14 to 19).

N.B:- The Matsya Purana enumerates all the names of kings between Brihadradha-I and Jarasandha or Brihadradha-II Jarasandha, son of Bhuvana was the 15 th in descent from Kuru and the tenth from Brihadradha-I, the founder of the Magadha Dynasty of kings. The following table shows the order of descent according to Matsya Purana. (Chapter 59):-

1. Samvarna

2. Kuru (The founder of the Kaurava Dynasty who removed his capital from Prayaga to Kurukshetra.)

3. Sudhanvan, Parikshit, Prajana, Jaghnu or Johnu or Yaju

4. Suhotra.

5. Chyavana

6. Krimi (or Kriti)

7. Chaidya or Uparicharavasu or Pratipa

8. (1) Brihadradha-I thefounder of the Magadha Dynasty.(3709 B.C.)

9. (2) Kusaagra

10. (3) Vrishabha or Rishabha.

11· (4) Pushpavat or Punyavat

12. (5) Pushpa or Punya

13. (6) Satyadhrithi or Satyahita.

14. (7) Sudhnvan II or Dhanusha.

15. (8) Sarva

16. (9) Bhuvana or Sambhava.

I7. (10)Brihadradha II or Jarasandha.

http://trueindianhistory-kvchelam.blogspot.in/2009/08/kings-of-magadha-before-great.html )

Visit the above site which is very informative.

‘The Hindu Mahabharata calls Brihadratha the first ruler of Magadha. King Bimbisara of the Haryanka dynasty led an active and expansive policy, conquering Anga in what is now West Bengal.
The death of King Bimbisara was at the hands of his son, Prince Ajatashatru. King Pasenadi, king of neighbouring Kosala and brother-in-law of King Bimbisara, promptly retook the gift of the Kashi province.
Accounts differ slightly as to the cause of King Ajatashatru’s war with the Licchavi, an area north of the river Ganges. It appears that Ajatashatru sent a minister to the area who for three years worked to undermine the unity of the Licchavis. To launch his attack across the Ganges River, Ajatashatru built a fort at the town of Pataliputra. Torn by disagreements the Licchavis fought with Ajatashatru. It took fifteen years for Ajatashatru to defeat them. Jain texts tell how Ajatashatru used two new weapons: a catapult, and a covered chariot with swinging mace that has been compared to a modern tank. Pataliputra began to grow as a center of commerce and became the capital of Magadha after Ajatashatru’s death.’

Haryanka dynasty (c. 600 – 413 BCE)Edit
Bhattiya or

Bimbisara (544-493 BCE)

Ajatashatru (493-461 BCE)




Shishunaga dynasty (413–345 BCE)Edit
Shishunaga (413–395 BCE)

Kakavarna Kalashoka (395–367 BCE)

Mahanandin (367–345 BCE)
Nanda Dynasty (345–321 BCE)Edit
Mahapadma Nanda Ugrasena (from 345 BCE), illegitimate son of Mahanandin, founded the Nanda Empire after inheriting Mahanandin’s empire








Dhana Nanda (Agrammes, Xandrammes) (until 321 BCE), overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya


From Bimbisara to current day,the History of India is clear and can be studied,though some misinformaion about middlecages remain.

I have traced the Dynasties in Northvand shall write about the Dynasties of South India,including Andhra Ikshvakus and Tamils.

I have taken references to Sanskrit and Tamil among Indian languages as I know only these two.






6 responses to “History Of India 1 Ikshvaku To Chandragupta Maurya.”

  1. Ramesh Kumar Avatar
    Ramesh Kumar

    Good Morning Mr. Ramana,

    I find your postings on the temples interesting and enjoy reading. Some months ago, you posted a temple where the Rahu Kepu Homa Yagna takes place in a Temple in TN. This is special due to the transit of the Rahu Ketu Planets in Aug.

    You had made a reference to the people to avail of the Homa facilities being organized by the Temple Authorities. The cost is just Rs. 250. I am unable to remember the temple, I had saved this piece of information but unable to retrieve it. Cud you please let me know this temple so that I can send the money for the Homa ?

    Long to hear,

    Regards, ramesh kumar Bengaluru !

    On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Ramani’s blog wrote:

    > ramanan50 posted: “Most History text books in India begin with Maurya > Dynasty and Bimbisara,as if there were no history in india before that > period,dismissing them as Legends and hyperbole in the imagination of > Poets. The History conveniently begins prior to Alexander’s in” >


  2. MSR Ayyangar (@MSRA1948) Avatar

    Very interesting – appears to be well researched…MSR Ayyangar


    1. Ramanis blog Avatar

      Thank you. Regards


  3. Pallavas From Turvasu Dushyant Puru Dynasty, Cholas Cousins – Ramani's blog Avatar

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