Hanuman Vanaras Existed 2,50,000 Years Ago? Homo Heidelbergensis

Ancestors of Homo sapiens were Homo heidelbergensis.

Home sapiens were our ancestors.

Hanuman is described as Chiranjeevi, Immortal.

Vanaras, to which he is reported to belong were not Apes.

Valmiki observes that they could speak and were intelligent

Hanuman had authored Sanskrit Grammar before Panini.

Hanuman is described as Wise.

There are Mantras that are addressed to Hanuman for better communication skills and mental strength.

In the light of following information could it be that Vanaras as a species existed 2,50,000 years ago?

In India?

Indian Thought does not support Darwinian Theory of Evolution

Species co existed.

This is being proved by recent researches in Biology and Archeology.

I had written earlier about Hanuman being possibly the equivalent of Neanderthals.

Hanuman is described as Immortal, Chiranjeevi

.Asia remained as reservoir of all races moving in to Europe.

2.For reasons not very known’ Humans started pushing towards Europe, this is presumed to be due to a cataclysmic event like flood or long dry periods.

3.Access to Europe was easy as the Russian plains were there to cross over effortlessly.

4.The complex structure of European geological features made these groups entering into Europe to become small groups settling n pockets.

The Basques settled in the North of Pyrenees, Celts in Wales,Ireland and north-west of Scotland,Lombard in Italy,

In the Fourth Century AD, out of Asia came the Huns,predecessor of Germans),Tatars.’



Where Lived: Europe; possibly Asia (China); Africa (eastern and southern)
When Lived: About 700,000 to 200,000 years ago

This early human had a very large browridge, and a larger braincase and flatter face than older early human species. It was the first early human species to live in colder climates; their ­­­short, wide bodies were likely and to conserving heat. It lived at the time of the oldest definite control of fire and use of wooden spears, and it was the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals. This early human also broke new ground; it was the first species to build shelters, creating simple dwellings out of wood and rock.

Year of Discovery: 1908
History of Discovery:

In 1908 near Heidelberg, Germany, a workman found the of H. heidelbergensis in the Rösch sandpit just north of the village of Mauer. This was nearly complete except for the missing premolars and first two left molars; it is heavily built and lacks a chin. German scientist Otto Schoentensack was the first to describe the specimen and proposed the name Homo heidelbergensis.

Before the naming of this species, scientists referred to early human fossils showing traits similar to both Homo erectus and modern humans as ‘archaic’ Homo sapiens.

Height: Males: average 5 ft 9 in (175 cm); Females: average 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
Weight: Males: average 136 lbs (62 kg); Females: average 112 lbs (51 kg)

We don’t know everything about early humans—but we keep learning more! Paleoanthropologists are constantly in the field, excavating new areas with groundbreaking technology, and continually filling in some of the gaps about our understanding of human evolution.

Below are some of the still unanswered questions about Homo heidelbergensis that may be answered with future discoveries:


  1. Did this early human indeed range in time from 1.3 million to 200,000 years ago, and in geography from Africa to Europe to Asia? Or are there more than one species represented among the fossils that some scientists call H. heidelbergensis (including H. antecessor, H. cepranensis, and H. rhodesiensis)?
  2. Many scientists think this species was ancestral tor n, but which species wancDidbehaviorceTheir model begins about 250,000 years ago, when Homo heidelbergensis arrived in India toting crude stone tools. Digs in central India in the 1980s turned up skeletal remains of the species, and other sites revealed almond-shaped hand axes chipped from stone.

Meanwhile in Africa modern humans arose about 190,000 years ago, most archaeologists believe. These humans too developed stone tools


Scattered evidence, such as red ochre—perhaps used as body paint—suggests early African humans also dabbled in the creative arts.

The new theory posits that as much as 70,000 years ago, a group of these modern humans migrated east, arriving in India with technology comparable to that developed by Homo heidelbergensis.

“The tools were not so different,” Petraglia says. “The technology that the moderns had wasn’t of a great advantage over what [Homo heidelbergensis] were using.”

But modern humans outcompeted the natives, slowly but inexorably driving them to extinction, Petraglia says. “It’s just like the story in Western Europe, where [modern humans] drove Neandertals to extinction,” he says.

The modern humans who colonized India may also have been responsible for the disappearance of the so-called Hobbits, whose fossilized bones were discovered recently on the Indonesian island of Flores.

But Athreya of Texas A&M argues that the evidence for such a “replacement event” in India remains weak.

“You have to explain the reasons for the replacement, [such as] technical superiority,” she said.

Reference and Citation.


One response to “Hanuman Vanaras Existed 2,50,000 Years Ago? Homo Heidelbergensis”

  1. indianyogi4u Avatar

    Another great Blog from the arsenal of BIG BRO Ramani!

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