Vedic Sarasvati River Flows Again In Haryana

The Hindu Texts mention Sarasvati river exhaustively.

Sarasvathi River Found, Yamuna Nagar,Haryana.

The River Sarasvati is included in the Prokshana,Sandhyavandan and Snana Mantra..

Gange cha Yamenes chaiva Godavari Sarasvathi,

Narmade Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru.

There was a Vedic civilization flourishing on the banks of the Sarasvati river and it was named as Sarasvati Civilization.

Initially all the references found in the Vedas,Puranas and Ithihasas were dismissed as Myths.

As science advances and the web becomes the source of information , which has been not available earlier, the Myths are found to be facts.

Starting from the dates of the Vedas, Ramayana , Mahabharata and Puranas, many of the events have been proved to be facts.

Recent to be proved is the River Sarasvati.

About five thousands year ago ,the Sarasvathy River flowed from Himalaya in a south-westerly direction along Bata valley and crossed through present day Haryana, where geologists found pebbles generally transported by flowing water of rivers and refined sand generally found in a river path.

Now the Sarswathi river has been found by Geologists in Yamuna Nagar, Haryana.

The water of the river is very shallow – only six feet deep. Locals say that there is a continuous stream running underground as they have found water at 200 feet 1 km from Mugalwali.


7 responses to “Vedic Sarasvati River Flows Again In Haryana”

  1. rajan2012 Avatar

    I read many write up about ‘this last river’. If indeed this Saeaswati then why we call the undergroud river at prayag as Saraswati? Is there a link?

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    1. ramanan50 Avatar


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  2. Kaleekrish Avatar

    Reblogged this on Interesting posts:.


  3. Elangovan B Avatar
    Elangovan B

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    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please get in touch at the number provided on Phone.Regds.

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  4. arvindsingh3234 Avatar

    the spiritual and mortal


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