Sky Maps Star Position During Rig Veda Rama Krishna Birth

Indian Puranas, History and The Epics are not fairy tales.

They are facts.

I have been verifying statements events mentioned in these texts with the help of Astronomy, etymology of word used,archeological evidence,Anthropology,Geology and tools like Carbon Dating, Atomic verification,Infra red evaluation.

I have published posts on many events narrated in the Indian Texts.

Now I am posting information on the appearance of the sky during,

The Rig Vedic Period,

Rama’s Birth,

Krishna’s Birth.

These maps have been arrived at running the references found in these instances through a Software designed to arrive at star positions and period..

Rig Vedic Period Sky Map.

There are 53 references in Rigveda as prayers offered to Aswinis at dawn. The description clearly points to the observation of the pair of stars in the Aries constellation (referred to as Aashvin or Asvini) just before sunrise as a ritual to mark the year beginning. Using Planetarium software, we find that the Winter Solstice occurred on 19 December, 7000 BC at 0735 hrs as shown in Figure 1. This is the earliest reference to Vedic calendar with year beginning at Winter Solstice, found in Rigveda (5-77-1/2; 1-46-14; 7-69-3/2). Heliacal rising of Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries) can be seen to occur on 5th January, 7000 BC, marking the year beginning (Fig. 1).

Skymap during Ri Vedic Period.png
Skymap during Ri Vedic Period.Fig. 1

Pre Dawn Sky during Rig Vedic Times.

A thousand years later, Winter Solstice no longer occurred near Aries (Asvini) due to precession. As a result, Ashwinis were no longer rising heliacally as before. They were still below the horizon at sunrise around Winter Solstice time. The Winter Solstice had moved to Revati by 6000 BC. Thus the precession of Equinoxes and Solistices was being observed by Rigvedic Scholars.

The Sky of 19th December, 6000 BC at sunrise on the Winter Solstice day shows that Ashvini gave way to bright star Chitra (α Vir) on opposite side (Western horizon). A full Moon in Chitra Nakshatra provided a new time marker in the sky and heralded the lunar month naming system-Chaitra, Vaisakha etc. (Rigveda: 5-74-1,2 and Tait Samh. 7-4-8). See Fig. 2 –

Winter solstice sky Ri Veda Period.jpg
Fig.2 .The Sky of 19th December, 6000 BC at sunrise on the Winter Solstice day shows that Ashvini gave way to bright star Chitra (α Vir) on opposite side (Western horizon). A full Moon in Chitra Nakshatra provided a new time marker in the sky and heralded the lunar month naming system-Chaitra, Vaisakha etc. (Rigveda: 5-74-1,2 and Tait Samh. 7-4-8).

Please check my post on Agstya star, Canopus Validates Sanatana Dharma.

Rama’s Birth, Sky Map.

Rama was born on the Navami tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra masa(9th day of the increasing phase of the moon in the lunar month of Chaitra).At that time, the nakshatra was Punarvasu, and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus were in Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Pisces respectively. Lagna was Cancer and Jupiter & Moon were shining together. — Ramayana 1.18.8,9.

1. Sun in Aries
2. Saturn in Libra
3. Jupiter in Cancer
4. Venus in Pisces
5. Mars in Capricorn
6. Lunar month of Chaitra
7. 9th day after New Moon
(Navami Tithi, Shukla Paksh)
8. Moon near Punarvasu Nakshatra
(Pollux star in Gemini constellation)
9. Cancer as Lagna
(Cancer constellation rising in the east)
10. Jupiter above the horizon
The observations on the left, when entered into Planetarium software gives us the above Sky Chart, which in turns gives forth the below mentioned date.

Sri Rama Navami – 10th January 5114 BCE – Birth Day of Rama
Observation at 12.30 p.m.

Skymap During Krishna’s Birth.

Lord Krishna was born around midnight. That night was the eight phase of the moon known as Ashtami Tithi. The moon was near Vrshabha, the bull, i.e the Taurus constellation that houses the star Rohini. The star Rohini is known as Aldeberan in modern astronomy. The month was Shravana, one of the 12 months in the Indian calendar.

Shravana vada ashtami, Rohini Nakshtra, uditam Lagnam

( Srimad Bhagavatham, Skanda 10, Chapter 3.)

Sky During Krishna's Birth.jpg
Sky During Krishna’s Birth.

Date of Krishna’s Birth By Gregorain Calendar.

27th July, 3112 BCE .

Couple of Points.

1.Astronomical events repeat themselves at regular intervals.hence fixing one date is difficult.

We are taking the last event for calculation.

As time is Eternal and Cyclic, the events repeat themselves.

Please read my posts on Time Non Linear for more information.

You may check my posts under Astrophysics on Astrodating and dating of Events.

Citations and Sources.

Krihsna’s Birth , Skymap.Image courtesy. Sri. Narahari Achar, Memphis Univesrsity US.

12 responses to “Sky Maps Star Position During Rig Veda Rama Krishna Birth”

  1. Anirudh Vikram Avatar

    Rama was born in the Treta Yuga, so how can the date 5114 B.C. reconcile with that? This corresponds to the end days of the Dwapar Yuga rather. We must realize that using the planetary positions in constellations is insufficient for dating purposes, simply because this is a recurrent phenomenon. That is, there are multiple times when such a configuration can occur. As they say, this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to find the correct date.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have mentioned this in the Post and I have a detailed post on this Ramas death precedes Krishna’s by 250 years.You may also check my posts on Time non linear and cyclic.


      1. Anirudh Vikram Avatar

        In another article
        you are saying Rama date is 1 million years ago. This article says it is 5114 B.C.
        How can there be such a discrepancy in the timings?

        But the million year Rama date seems to fall in the Treta yuga & appears more believable.


  2. gopalan2015 Avatar

    Congrats for the deep involvement with avid interest to cull out verifyabie facts in your selfless efforts to unearth the glory of our ancient culture and to present them to the globe in digestable and recitable pockets. Let your global recognition and your tribe increase crowed with accolades and awards–praying fr ur health and prosperity and wellmness—-


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks and Regds.


  3. S Rangachari Avatar
    S Rangachari

    Sun in Aires (Mesha) cannot be in January. Please examine this point.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Sir, Can you elaborate and offer corrections to enable me to update.


      1. S Rangachari Avatar
        S Rangachari

        Dear Sir,

        I reproduce the following from the blog:

        Rama was born on the Navami tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra masa(9th day of the increasing phase of the moon in the lunar month of Chaitra).At that time, the nakshatra was Punarvasu, and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus were in Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Pisces respectively. Lagna was Cancer and Jupiter & Moon were shining together. — Ramayana 1.18.8,9.

        1. Sun in Aries
        2. Saturn in Libra
        3. Jupiter in Cancer
        4. Venus in Pisces
        5. Mars in Capricorn
        6. Lunar month of Chaitra
        7. 9th day after New Moon
        (Navami Tithi, Shukla Paksh)
        8. Moon near Punarvasu Nakshatra
        (Pollux star in Gemini constellation)
        9. Cancer as Lagna
        (Cancer constellation rising in the east)
        10. Jupiter above the horizon
        The observations on the left, when entered into Planetarium software gives us the above Sky Chart, which in turns gives forth the below mentioned date.

        Sri Rama Navami – 10th January 5114 BCE – Birth Day of Rama
        Observation at 12.30 p.m.

        Sri Rama Navami is always celebrated in the month of Chaitra (Chaitra navami) corresponding to the Tamil month (Chithirai) (occasionally it may in Panguni also. But the Tamil month corresponding to 10th January will be Margazhi (with sun in Sagittarius – not Aries). I am of the opinion that we may have to correct the date of birth – may be 10th April or 10th May 5114 BCE – which please examine.



  4. R. Swaminathan Avatar
    R. Swaminathan

    Dear useful & dedicated intelectual approach made but to my little knowledge 5114 BC of Ramas birth means now 7114 years passed. But on thretha yuga means More than 35000 years. How to get verified. We hv no system nor computer can go back to such huge no of years to get calculated. Ofcourse we hv to take what is said in Ramayan or Bagavat geetha fixing date as per English calender fails. The planetary poition stated in Ramayan might be correct as we hv surpassed millions of years so sun wd hv not been in sugitarious as quoted by our friend. As student of astronomy many errors occur on determination of solstice correction firmulas work to certain extent. Your deduction is hair raising god bless u.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      The problem in dating through Astronomy is diificult as Astronomical events of Nature occur at periodic intervels.So ine gets the same configuration repeatedly. To cross check one has to verify etymology cultural links literary references. And to top it all Time is non linear and cyclic. Please read my post Time cyclic, Ramas death precedes Krishnas by 200 years. Regards.


  5. Shiv Avatar
    Shiv interesting post. One of the additional points that may be considered is the lineage of Ramaa’s kingdom leading to the Krishna period.
    If the difference is as this current process throws up, then it validates, else a revision may be done


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Shall do so.Regards.


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