Detailed Map of 196 Places Visited by Rama

As The Ramayana has been verified as a fact and not a figment of Valmiki’s imagination,I have been trying to find out the places visited by Lord Rama.

“God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have been intrigued by the Sthala Puranas, especially in the South relating South Indian Temples to Rama, Hanuman and Lakshmana.

Though it appears that the Sthala Puranas appear to be fables to popularize the local temples, I found it is not so, at least with reference to Ramayana.

Places visited by Rama, Map.jpg
Places Visited by Lord Rama. Image

For example there is a temple in Andhra Pradesh where Hanuman rested while bringing the Sanjivi Parvatha.,Vellala Hanuman Temple, or

Temple in Tamil Nadu where Rama and Hanuman confer in private.

Please read my posts on these.

All these are accounted in the Map provided here.

The information is scarce, despite  a lot of information in the web on Rama’s travels through out the country.

Most of the information I found were duplication or the places were restricted to places relating to  important events in the Life Rama.

Ayodhya,Sarayu, Mithila, Dandakaranya,Nasik,Tunghabhadra,Kishkinta, Godavari, Kaveri belt, and Rameswaram.

Some places in Lanka are mentioned.

Ona detailed analysis and checking up Valmiki Ramayana, there are 196 places visited by Lord Rama.

They may be classified under the following heads.

1.Ayodhya and Gangetic Belt, before Rama’s Exile.

2.On Exile, Dandakaranya.


4.Tungabhadra and Kaveri

5.   Deep Down South at Rameswaram.

6.Places in Lanka.

7.Rama’s return to India by Pushpaka Vimana.

Rama seems to have returned to Ayodhya by Pushpaka Vimana.

It looks as though the Vimana or the Plane was taken from Rameswaram after rama’s Pooja of Lord Ramanatha at Rameswaram.

I have found a detailed Map marking the 196 places visited by Rama.

The places are written in Hindi and one can easily read them.

8 responses to “Detailed Map of 196 Places Visited by Rama”

  1. arvindsingh3234 Avatar

    the legal and tested


    1. N. RAMACHANDRAN Avatar

      Superbly explained in detail


  2. Sai Avatar

    Good work. Thanks


  3. Angsuman Avatar

    He also visited at least 2 places in West Bengal, Ram Raja Tala and Raja Bhat Khaoa.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      i am unable to find reference to these places,if you have information, please forward.


  4. kodandaram reddy.goli Avatar
    kodandaram reddy.goli

    Its a great work and supre


  5. Ajai Singh Avatar
    Ajai Singh

    Can you please share as to where I can obtain a map of the route taken by Shri Ram and all the places visited by him during exile as I intend to walk the route shortly. Will be extremely grateful. Jai Siyaram


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I am not too sure if it is available. Let me try. Meanwhile I shall try to update my article with more details on the route taken by Sri Ram. Regards


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