Sundara Kandam Parayana Procedure

Ramayana is not only an Epic that sets forth ideals that guide Man in the Righteous path.

Being compiled by the great Seer Valmiki, it possesses the power of granting the wishes of those who read or recite it with faith.

Ramanama chanting, the recitation of Rama’s name absolves one of all sins and grants the beneficial results that accrue by reciting the One Thousand names of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu Sahasranaama.

Goddess Uma asks Lord Shiva the shortest route to get Lord Vishnu’s Grace and Shiva replies that it is the name Rama that will do the trick

Sri Rama Rama ramethi reme rame manorame,
Sahasra nama thathulyam rama nama varanan.

There is interesting legend on Ramanama.

The Ramayana has 24000 slokas or verses.
All the Devatas excluding Lord Shiva had taken each Akshara, or letter as auspicious.

Lord Shiva, being late could not take anything
When Uma asked him he is reported to have replied that in their hurry the Devatas have forgooten two important letters, Ra and Ma.

and that he would take them.

Together they form Rama, the Bhjakshara of Lord Rama.

This, the Learned say is the origin of the Sloka Sri Rama Ramethi.

Though Ramayana showers benefits if recited, there are specific chapters for specific purposes or problems.

Sundara Kanda,or the Chapter of Beauty ,where Lord Hanuman finds Sita is believed, and, has to grant early marriage and good children.
There are various procedures in doing this Paarayana or daily recitation.

Women can also do the Parayan.

Parents of Children may also do the Parayan for the marriage of their children or for Grandchildren


!.To be done preferably in the Mornings.

2.Take bath and  perform SandhyaVandan.

3.Pray Lord Ganesh  and do Sankalpa, declare what exactly you Pray for.

4.Read preferably soundless the Sundara Kanda which has 68 Chapters.

Different ways of doing the Paarayana.
Reading 32 times

This consists of reading Chapter 1 to 38 on the first day and the rest the next day. This should be repeated 32 times in 64 days

Reading 24 times

This consists of reading Chapter 1-15 on the first day., 16-41 the next day and the rest of the chapters on the third day. This should be repeated 24 times in 72 days.

Reading 12 times

This consists of reading Chapter 1-15 on the first day., 16-32 on the second day., 33-51 on the third day and the rest of the chapters on the fourth day. This should be repeated 12 times in 48 days.

Reading 7 times

Read 7 chapters a day and complete reading on the fourteenth day and repeat it 7 times and complete the Parayana in 68 days.

Reading 4 times

Read ten chapters per day for the first 27 days and read the remaining 2 chapters on the 28th day,

Reading two times .

Read eight chapters per day and complete reading twice on the seventeenth day.

In all these cases on the last day, the last chapter of Yudha Kandam (131st chapter) should be read. On each day before and after the parayana boiled milk with Sugar should be offered as offering (Naivedya) to the God. On the day of completion it is desirable to give a feast to the Brahmins.

It is essential to offer Naivedya to God before and after the Parayana. It would be great if at the end of the Parayana, Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Hanuman are worshipped using Sahasra Nama (1000 names). If someone is not capable of doing it, he can worship using 108 names of the God. As Naivedya boiled milk added with Sugar is supposed to be best offering to Lord Rama and Lotus and Thulasi (Ocimum) flowers are the best to worship the Lord. If not available any flower can be used. However Karavira(Arali) should never be used. Offering to God Pomegranate would bring in immense benefits.It would be better to the devotee to Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship.

Panaka or Jaggery water with Dry Ginger,Green chillies may be offered as Naivedya every day.

On the Concluding day Rama Pattabhisheka sarga may be recited in addition and as naivedyam Cooked Rice, Ghee, Dhal, Vada may be offered.

If you can afford , donate one set of Dhoti and Angavastra and a Saree and Blouse piece for the poor.


Sundara Kandam Text.

39 responses to “Sundara Kandam Parayana Procedure”

  1. rajali Avatar

    SIR ,


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No question of Caste.
      Any one can do this Parayana..
      Ensure that procedures are followed.
      My Rama Bless you

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sakuntala Nagesan Avatar
    Sakuntala Nagesan

    Namasthe Sir
    My brother, Venkatakrishnan is suffering from severe stomach pain. At times due to unbearable pain, he says he wants to end his life. I learnt that Kanchi Mahaperiyava advised a devotee suffering from stomach pain to read Sri SundaraKandam. On behalf of my brother, I want to read all the 68 slokas of the Sri Sundara Kandam in one day, that is, in in one sitting. There are 68 slokas + pattabhi sheka slokas to do the parayana. I obtained a copy of Valmiki Sundarakanda book in Tamil (Sanskrit verses in Tamil). Can a person who wants to do the parayana in one day, take intervals such as to drink some water, or have some fruits while doing the parayana?
    Could you please explain what is the appropriate way to read all the 68 slokas+ Pattabhisheka slokas in one sitting, in one day?
    What is the neivedhyam offered for the parayana?

    Thank you
    with regards


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      1.You can breaks in between.
      2.There are various way to do the Parayana as explained in the Post.
      You may follow any of them which addresses your problem.
      3.Attempting 68 Sargas is great.You may include, towards the end Pattabhisheka Sarga.
      4.Naivedyam as described in the article , or you can offer Vadai, Payasam ( Not semia)
      5.I may suggest a vow by the afflicted to Lord Balalji of Thirupathi, I have apersoanl experience in that when I suffered for six years from hyper acidity,which no medicine could cure, the doctors were not sure it was acidity at all, my father vowed to have my Upanayana performed at Thirupathi,( which was perfomed there).From the next day I was relieved of the problem and I have no issues relating to stomach for the past 50 Years, though I eat very spicy food.


  3. Sridharan. Avatar

    Actually one has to start doing it at home, then all the benefits will start to pour in due the grace of Lord Rama and his Parama Bakth Shri. Hanuman. Please do it as sincerely as possible, with proper concentration.


  4. Ramananda Avatar

    some one told while parayana one should keep two deepams on front of “Peeta” and offer prayer to Lord HANUMAN daily is it correct


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Not necessary.Whenever and wherever Rama’s name is chanted Hanuman is present.One Deepa with two wicks is sufficeint


  5. Venkat krishnan Avatar
    Venkat krishnan

    My iahta devta is lord Hanuman.I am a regular reader of valmiki Sunderkand. How you read is not important. Only restriction is it should be read in the morning. You can read any number of sargas,but no sarga should be left half way. Should be read in full.That’s all.God will fulfill your wishes.


  6. Sneha M Avatar
    Sneha M

    Sir….I have read the first 26 chapters for the 1st 3 days. On the 4th day I had to leave out of station and I couldn’t read on my that day. Have I broken the niyamas ? Please give me a solution sir…


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No issues.Proceed from wher you left off and chant Kayena Vaaacha mantra before starting now.Regds


  7. Sridharan. Avatar

    We have to be as sincere as possible while doing the parayana, the Lord Shri. Rama and his parama bakth Shri. Hanuman will always be with us. But one needs His divine blessings to do it. Think of doing it, then the Lord will bless you do it without any break. Due to His grace, He will always be with us. Then no need to fear about anything. This is a best pariharam for greha doshas.


  8. S Narayan Avatar
    S Narayan

    Dear Sir,

    In the Sundarkandam Book many places it is mentioned that after reading sundarkandam (67-68 sargas) one should read 111 and 131 in the Yuddha Kanda. I searched for 131 in the “Yudh Kanda Ram Pattaabhishek” sarga there are only 124 shlokas. Could you please explain the above query?

    Jai Sri Ram,

    S Narayan


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Rama Pattabhishek is the 131st Sarga of Yuddha Kanda. This is what has to be recited on conclusion of the SundraKand Parayana.


  9. Nandagopal M Avatar
    Nandagopal M

    Reading Sundarakaandam two times in 32 days – is advisable. I have been doing this for the last 35 years.Sometimes I read full Ramayan. The benefits are unbelievable. Do not worry for any problem.Reading Sundarakaandam with full faith is certainly the best method to come out of our difficulties. – Jai Sairam.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Navaham is also very poweful.I have experienced it


      1. Sakuntala Avatar

        Nandagopal Sir
        can you please explain how to complete the parayanam of the Sri Sundarakandam two times in 32 days ( how many Sargas per day) what is the neivedyam you offered to the lord. Thank you sir.


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        There are 68 sargas and one Rama Pattabhishekha sarga from Yuddha Kanda has to be chanted during the last day of Parayana.Two sargas a day for thirty days(60) , on the 31st day 4 and on the 32 concluding day 4 sargas from Sundara Kanda and one sarga Rama Pattabhisheka,naivedyam daily cooked rice with ghee preferable, If not dry Grapes.On the concluding day Sakkaraip Pongal and Vadai plus vetrilai ,pakku and pazham


      3. ramanan50 Avatar

        I seem to have replied the question meant for Mr,Nandagopal,.Sir , the Floor is yours,Regds


  10. Seshan Avatar


    You hv written to read 7 chapters a day and complete on the 14th day. Kindly explain this. You hv also asked to repeat 7 times and complete in 68 days. But it should be 98 days as after completing once in 14 days X 7 times is 98. Kindly help me with this as I am confused.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Read 7 chapters a day and continue doing it and complete the parayana on the fourteenth day with Pattabhisheka sarga from yuddha kanda.In this process, there will be uneven number of chapters to be read a day.To minimize this, read seven a day and continue doing this and on the fourteenth day if there are more chapters to be read complete them on the fourteenth day along with Pattabhisheka. Continue this process for 68 days.Regards.


      1. Seshan Avatar

        Dear Sir

        Thanks for the reply. But I am still unclear.
        @7 chapters a day I will be completing 63 chapters (7×9) in 9 days. Continuing from 64th chapter I will be completing till chaper 30 in the next 5 days. So on the 14th day should I read the balance chapters from 31 to 68.


  11. Raja lakshmi Avatar
    Raja lakshmi

    Sir, I wish to do the parayanam to complete in 8 days(9 chapters each day). As per the book it says, start on a Friday and finish on next Friday. Is it OK to start on Tuesday and end next Tuesday. Pls enlighten me. Thank you


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have explained the procedure in detail. Tuesday may be avoided and also Krishna Paksha..


      1. raji ganesh Avatar
        raji ganesh

        Noted. Thank you so much 

        Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  12. S shilpa Avatar
    S shilpa

    Sir, women’s can perform sundarakanada parayanam, what is the procedure, after completing 5th day periods how to continue the parayanam , am working in organisation in out of station as early as possible I must leave home morning which type of parayanam can I do please advise me sir


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Same procedure as for men. Just do not do parayana for five days and comlensate these days to complete the parayana .navaha parayana is ideal or you can choose what you feel like. Details in my article. Regds.


  13. Pradeep Avatar

    Hello sir,

    My baby is 2.5 years old but still she is not able to sit & stand without support. We showed many doctors for this problem. But every one are saying trunk weakness. We tried everything but no use.
    One of guruji said if you do sundarakanda parayanam for 3 days she will get strength for her problem.
    Please let us know the procedure for this and whether it will fetch good results?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please follow Navaha Parayana, that is 9 chapters a day and on the last day the remaining chapters and Rama Pattabhiheka chapter from Yuddha Kanda.Please refer my article.


  14. subbarao venkata bathula Avatar
    subbarao venkata bathula have been finding a pundit/Brahmin who can do Sundarakanda at home as per given process but unable to get the right person in Hyd yet. I am more interested to do with Brahmin at my home for my son’s bright future and education successes ( One is in 10th class and other one in 6th class). Request you to help me contact details of Brahmin or procedure which sarga should do to pass my son in 10th class. Jai Sri Ram


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may contact Srigeri or Kanchi mutt


      1. subbarao venkata bathula Avatar
        subbarao venkata bathula

        Thank you so much for your immediate attention Sir. Can you have any reference or contact details in Kanchi Mutt.


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Please contact Sri. MAHALINGA ganapadigal or Raghu Vadhyar of Kanchi Mutt. Check Kanchi mutt at Kachiguda near Station.


      3. subbarao venkata bathula Avatar
        subbarao venkata bathula

        Hi Sir again

        So sorry am giving trouble to you. As suggested by you, had find out in Kanchi mutt at Kachiguda near Station but they said no one is here by that names. If you don’t mind can you help me either their contact details (mobile..mail id..) or some one who do this Sundrakand paryanam at Hyd.


  15. Dilly Bai Avatar

    I am not able to read tamil. And I am afraid if I read in English, the pronunciation would be wrong. Can I play a tape of Sundhara Kandam and follow the procedure .


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can get the text in your language online. If not, play the audio. Advisable you read. Regards


  16. Gnana S Avatar
    Gnana S

    I have personally experienced Sri Rama’s blessings through Si Hanuman when I recited Sundara Kandam but in Tamil by Lifco Publications. I have recited 41 days in the morning just after having bath and it was only the recital with full concentration on Sri Rama in front of SriRama Pattabhishekam picture and used to be a regular visitor of Sri Hanuman temple on Saturdays at Rajeev Nagar near to Pillar No 273 of Mehdipatnam to Airport flyover in Hyderabad.. Please visit the temple which is said to be more than 100 years old and where you can offer the grasses to the Cows and is being maintained well.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Am visiting Hyderabad during the third week of this month. Will visit and write. Please share location map. Regards


  17. Sujaya Narayan Avatar
    Sujaya Narayan

    My office work starts at 4 in the morning and gets over by 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I cannot find time to do sundarakanda parayanam in the morning due to my official commitment. However i do parayanam in the evening everyday after a bath. Is it okay?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Yes. You can. Sorry for the delay in responding. Regards.


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