China Retreats to Muscle Flexing by Japan

If one were to look for international hooliganism it is China .

It has put up a Board in Sea that ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted,that too in a disputed territory.

We have seen the Bill Board in Private properties.

” Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted”

By A Nation?

That Too in Open Sea?

That’s China for you .China has put up such a Board in South China Sea.’

China violated the air space of Japan and japan retaliated by sending Fighters into disputed territories.

And a tough talking PM  Shinzo Abe, was to assume Office.

China ,rattled has climbed down by asking japan to meet China half way.

This is the first time as far as I can remember that China responded this way.

Would India and US follow Japan?


Shinzo Abe.
Shinzo Abe, PM ,Japan

China called on new Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Wednesday to meet Beijing “halfway” to try and improve relations that have been hurt by a debilitating territorial dispute.

“We hope the new Japanese administration will meet the Chinese side halfway and make concrete efforts to overcome difficulties in bilateral relations,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters.

She added such efforts were needed “so as to push bilateral relations back on to the normal track of development”.

Hua was speaking after Abe was selected Wednesday as Japan’s prime minister by the lower house of parliament following victory by his Liberal Democratic Party in elections earlier this month.

“We are ready to work with the Japanese side to push forward the steady and sound development of bilateral relations,” Hua said.

China and Japan are at odds over small islands in the East China Sea that both claim, though Japan controls. China calls them the Diaoyu Islands, while Japan refers to them as the Senkaku Islands.

Tensions have mounted this year, with Japan recently scrambling fighter jets after a Chinese plane flew near the territory.

Hua reiterated China’s position on the dispute, calling the Diaoyu Islands “China’s inherent territory,” while adding that Beijing wants to resolve the dispute “through dialogue and negotiation.”

“The pressing task for Japan now is to show sincerity and take concrete actions to overcome the current situation and improve bilateral relations.”

Separately, China’s official Xinhua news agency carried a commentary expressing hope that Abe’s election could herald the beginning of better relations.

“It is hoped that Abe… could view Japan-China ties from a long-term and overall perspective and steer Tokyo’s diplomacy toward the consolidation of regional peace and stability,” the commentary said.

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