About Ramanan.

Retired Senior Management professional, currently Management Consultant-Education and visiting Professor to Universities on Management.

Lectures on Indian/ ancient Civilizations,Indian History, Hinduism practices from original sources,Indian Philosophy and Culture.

With Degrees in Philosophy and Psychology, I spent Eight Years in learning Vedas, Sacred Books of Hindus.

Interested in Philosophy,Psychology,Reading( any thing),Writing and anything that stimulates the mind.
Married for thirty years with Two sons, a daughter and Four grand children.

I started Blogging in August 2009, because I wanted to be heard and a desire to share what I know and what interests me.

The topics range from Corruption,India,Religion,Hinduism,Philosophy Lifestyle.Parenting, …in all about 116.

I write what interests me most and, comments, especially Criticisms,with out abusive language are welcome.

I am not a Professional writer.

My knowledge is very limited.

And I write when I feel the urge.

I have a bad habit of not ‘proof reading’.

I would deem it a great help if readers point out mistakes in Content,Spelling , Punctuation and Grammar.

Personal Correspondence is welcome at my email ID ramanan50@gmail.com

Updated on 8 October December 2023.

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11.3 K Visitors.

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149 responses to “About Ramanan.”

  1. Subramanian K Avatar

    hi, read your blog on time – non linear theory. very interesting.


  2. Ajeet Avatar


    Just read your blog. really interested.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you.
      Please post your comments and suggest topics. You may forward queries as well.


  3. ReadersHeaven Avatar

    Hi, nice to meet you !


  4. Anna Nowak Avatar
    Anna Nowak

    my name is Anna and I represent Online Banking Security Magazine (Software press). The magazine is our following, new idea and we are looking for professionals who could share with our readers their knowledge regarding IT security systems for instance in banks, financial institutions. I have recieved many positive opinions related to your blog that is why I decided to write to you. We would be delighted to get some information about this case from you.
    Thanks to your help we could post (below an article) all details regarding your company, news, services – some kind of promotion etc.
    Our magazine will be available all over the world. Other magazines have got a huge target market so we hope that this one will get to the top as well e.g. Hakin9 http://hakin9.org/?lang

    I am looking forward to hearing from you. For further informatiom please get in touch with me.

    Best regards
    Anna Nowak


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Dear Anna,
      Thank you for your communication.
      I am not an an expert in finance /software.
      Let me know how I can be of help.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you.
      This is THE First site that has not not abused me for my views .
      I am really happy to find there are unbiased Tamil sites in the net
      Thanks again.



    Mr Ramanan please, I’ve just fed on your captivating article about Essar Telecoms. My curiosity now yearns for all those criminal cases associated with the said Essar both concluded and pending in the law courts of India. please let me know whether that is possible.


  6. Meenakshi Avatar

    thanks a lot for the details of ivrs number of indane, for the past 10 days i am running behind my gas agency to get the number, but in vain, then i came across your blog, got the number and booked the gas. Keep going sir, thanks for your service


  7. Narasimha Rao Jakkamsetty Avatar

    I suggest you also read, if you haven’t already, Tolstoy, Bertrend Russel, R W Emerson, MK Gandhi, Vivekananda, John Ruskin, Aldous Huxley etc.


  8. dinesh Avatar

    list of swiss bank account holders
    karunanidhi, stalin, raja, suresh kalmadi, chidambaran, raj foundation, etc


  9. Barun shahi Avatar
    Barun shahi

    great site
    waiting for do something more


  10. rwilking Avatar

    You are using an image of mine without permission. It needs to be removed from your site immediately. It shows President Bush waving from his truck. Please confirm, next step is legal action. Thank you. Rick Wilking, Reuters Newspictures – Denver


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I am sorry.I have used it inadvertently.I have removed the image.
      Bush waving from the truck-https://ramanan50.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/true-story-behind-911-attack-latest-research-how-the-terrorists-went-about/
      Regret the use.


  11. વિવેક દોશી Avatar

    its nice to visit your blog….like to be visit again …keep it up


  12. maruza Avatar

    Hi ive just read your blog..so much information…hope I can as creative as you do


  13. subashchandrasbose Avatar

    good and spread more recent case study and judgements or orders


    1. subashchandrasbose Avatar

      orders on family cases in INDIA Tamilnadu – divorce adultry-alimony-nullity of marriage-


  14. CHARLES Avatar



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I might take this as a compliment.


  15. tskraghu Avatar

    My mail to your personal Id bounced – hence I’m here:

    Bribery Culture of India?

    Indians are Hobbesian.(culture of self interest)

    Analysis on corruption in India does not address its cultural aspect. We see nothing peculiar about corruption in India (except that it is everywhere). We see many corrupt individuals in a system unable to correct itself. Our media reports corruption episodically. One independent incident of greed follows another.

    Corruption in India is a cultural aspect.
    Indians seem to think nothing peculiar about corruption. It is everywhere. Indians tolerate corrupt individuals rather than correct them.

    No race can be congenitally corrupt. But can a race be corrupted by its culture? To know why Indians are corrupt, look at their patterns and practices .

    Religion is transactional in India. Indians give God cash and anticipate an out-of-turn reward. Such a plea acknowledges that favors are needed for the undeserving. In the world outside the temple walls, such a transaction is named – “bribe”.

    A wealthy Indian gives not cash to temples, but gold crowns and such baubles. His gifts cannot feed the poor. His pay-off is for God.
    He thinks it will be wasted if it goes to a needy man.

    In June 2009, The Hindu published a report of Karnataka minister G. Janardhan Reddy gifting a crown of gold and diamonds worth Rs 45 crore to Tirupati.

    India’s temples collect so much that they don’t know what to do with it. Billions are gathering dust in temple vaults.

    When Europeans came to India they built schools. When Indians go to Europe & USA, they build temples.

    Indians believe that if God accepts money for his favors, then nothing is wrong in doing the same thing. This is why Indians are so easily corruptible.

    Indian culture accommodates such transactions morally. There is no real stigma. An utterly corrupt Jayalalitha can make a comeback, just unthinkable in the West.

    Second –
    Indian moral ambiguity towards corruption is visible in its history.
    Indian history tells of the capture of cities and kingdoms after guards were paid off to open the gates, and commanders paid off to surrender.

    This is unique to India.

    Indians’ corrupt nature has meant limited warfare on the subcontinent.
    It is striking how little Indians have actually fought compared to ancient Greece and modern Europe.

    The Turks’ battles with Nadir Shah were vicious and fought to the finish.

    In India fighting wasn’t needed, bribing was enough to see off armies. Any invader willing to spend cash could brush aside India’s kings, no matter how many tens of thousands soldiers were in their infantry. Little resistance was given by the Indians at the “Battle” of Plassey. Clive paid off Mir Jaffar and all of Bengal folded to an army of 3,000.

    There was always a financial exchange to taking Indian forts. Golconda was captured in 1687 after the secret back door was left open. Mughals vanquished Marathas and Rajputs with nothing but bribes. The Raja of Srinagar gave up Dara Shikoh’s son Sulaiman to Aurangzeb after receiving a bribe.

    There are many cases where Indians participated on a large scale in treason due to bribery.

    Question is: Why Indians have a transactional culture while other ‘civilized’ nations don’t.

    Third –
    Indians do not believe in the theory that they all can rise if each of them behaves morally, because that is not the message of their faith.

    Their caste system separates them. They don’t believe that all men are equal. This resulted in their division and migration to other religions.

    Many Hindus started their own faith like Sikh, Jain, Buddha and many converted to Christianity and Islam.

    There are no Indians in India, (hard fact to digest) there are Hindus, Christians, Muslims and what not. Indians forget that 500 years ago they all belonged to one faith.

    This division evolved an unhealthy culture. The inequality has resulted in a corrupt society.

    In India everyone is thus against everyone else, except God – ¬ and even he must be bribed.



    1. Silpa Avatar

      That’s a good one. I have mutual feelings about this especially the history bit. We easily gave into all those invaders for wealth. I think it’s greed. Also, always wonder why transcripts from colleges cannot be obtained without bribing someone in the college. Really annoying. Hopefully people come to senses eventually.


  16. tskraghu Avatar

    I noticed my first two lines did not get pasted. Here they are:

    I recvd this longish mail from someone. Is there some truth in it or it is another case of self-flagellation that we are good at?


  17. 7theaven Avatar

    Glad I bounced on to this site. Reading articles from the archives randomly or something that interests me!


  18. Kumar S R Avatar
    Kumar S R

    Dear Ramanan,

    With so much of education and good background you have not understood Nithyananda and the Guru Maha Sannidhanam , Before commenting on others request you to investigate and understand the scandal and other issues completely and pls do not waste your time like other anti religiuous anti social and politically motivated rowdies and media houses


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Will some body enlighten me about the qualification of Nithyananda in Tamil Bhakti Ilakkiyam,Saivath Thirumarais?
      How does he explain his proximity to a two bit actress?
      How come he has cameras installed at his so called Asram?
      Why did he state in his affidavit that he is neuter and he can not perform?
      Does this have anything to do with Religion?
      Why does he allow playing of film songs at the Asram?
      What is his contribution to Indian Philosophy excepting the fact that he is a demagogue?
      What is the rationale in his saying that Saint Gnana Sambandhar came in his dream and proclaimed he is the right choice as Madurai Adheenam?
      What is stand on Indian Philosophy?
      If he is a Saivaite, he can not be following Patanjali’s Yoga for Saivites shall follow Thirumoolar.
      Has Nithyanada heard of him?
      To be called aa Paramahamsa, what has be realized?
      Does he know what Paramahamsam means?
      Or what ‘Soham’is?
      Why is he eager to usurp Madrai Adheenam all of a sudden?
      Prior to his arrest, what was his involvement with the Madurai Adheenam?
      To call Arunagiri as Mahasannidhanam is an insult to Saivism. a manwho hobnobbed with the likes of Veeramai and Karunanidhi and a man who brandishes revover in a Public place.
      Why is he making Hinduism a laughing stock by saying that Lod Siva ‘ticked of the name of Nithyananda as a successor ‘to him.
      How does any one call him an Adheenam?
      I am enraged at Hinduism being made a laughing stock by he shenanigans of people like Nthyananda and Arunagiri.
      ( I have been going through the website of Nithyananda regularly like many others.
      The only difference is that I am not hysterical and I am not carried away by mass hysteria and smooth talk by a charlatan and his imaginary powers.


  19. Abdul Rauf Avatar

    Wow. Sir you have got a great blog here. Keep up the good work.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank You and Rgds.


  20. Srinivasan Varadharajan Avatar

    Ur blogs though informative…indees is an “EYE OPENER” too! My blessings..ganovasan


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank You,
      My Namaskarams in advance for Sadahishkam
      அலகிலாப் பெம்மான் அலமேலு உடையான்
      ஈடில்லா இன்பமும் ஈகையும்
      உளத் திறத்துடன் ஓங்கி வாழ
      என்றும் அருள் நிறைக்க


  21. mugenblog Avatar

    Happy to know you…. I’m a lover of Philosophy and Psychology.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may post our , thoughts on the subjects.
      Thank You


  22. Jennifer Adams Teasley Avatar

    Wonderful informative blog!


  23. Naresh Ramadurai Avatar

    Vanakkam Ramanan Sir,

    Its been a pleasure reading through your blog. There were a lot things that which went through my mind regarding Sonia’s worst political games etc., You’ve explained some great stories and facts, beautifully.

    I’m going to spend a lot of time on your blog reading your older posts for sure. Thanks for sharing such wonderful things.

    -Naresh Ramadurai


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please post your comments.
      If you have any information on Corruption or Links for stories, please share


  24. sivabala nadarajah Avatar
    sivabala nadarajah


    I am looking for Tholkapiyam published in 1846 by Kalvi Achukkudam, with Nachinarkiniyar


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You might check with Narmada Pathippakam, T.Nagar,near Hindi Prachar Sabha), chennai.
      In case they do not have they will refer some source.


  25. srobonagd Avatar

    Hello, I’ve just discovered your blog,and I must say, the wide range of topics and themes here most certainly satiate my curiosity! Quick question, as you’ve got a lot on philosophy and religious texts here, just out of curiosity, do you believe in the ideology of ‘God’? I’m really looking forward to excavate everything your blog has to give, can’t wait!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Yes, I do.
      I will be posting some interesting points on this topic from The Mahabharata, the Hindu Epic.
      Thanks for visiting the site.


  26. sachin kesarkar Avatar
    sachin kesarkar

    Hello Sir,

    Just wanted to Say, Thank you for your research.

    I also have started to develop similar interest and try to manage my time to learn our old ancient knowledge. I am specially interesting in learning Astrology & Samskrit.

    Its really motivating for me to read your blogs.

    I am working as a software professional, but do realize our old values, culture, scriptures. The blogs like this are really an Eye openers to many people now a days who think that we are living in a most advanced society without knowing that how much superior our ancestors were.

    India really needs a lot amount of research on our old scriptures to prove to western society that Mahabharata and Ramayana are not Mythological stories but they existed in past. Unfortunately the INDIAN Government is not at all concerned about this and also the ever increasing corruption in our society is eating our values.

    At this stage I do really appreciate your research work on different things and also for posting these valuable blogs.

    Once again thanks to you.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks for dropping by.
      Please let me know any query to research as this points out directions where people need information.
      You may address any query so that people may be benefited from this.


  27. Rajesh Avatar

    Sir, am a regular reader of your blog, can you change the background color from black to some soothing color or theme, since its a pain reading with black as background..hope you can appreciate my comments and do the changes…thanks…Rajesh


  28. Ana Jain Avatar
    Ana Jain

    Hi. I think you came only once and then never came back. missing you. do come and drop in a few lines. its good to have critics around. Waiting for sharp criticism. it helps me grow you see. 🙂 prettypinkpebbles.wordpress.com


  29. R. Harris Avatar
    R. Harris

    I came across your blog about the Ramayana and Ravanna being real. Which I tend to believe, although the epic is apparently written metaphorically. I looked at the rest of your material and found strong ideological bias particularly anti-Americanism. I can’t comment on your remarks about the state of affairs in India although I do believe there is much corruption there as I have friends in well placed positions in India. As for factual statements you stated right after quoting Secretary of State Kerry, who invaded Kuwait and Iraq? Clearly implying it was the US. Everyone knows who invaded Kuwait, it was Saddam Hussein and there is no doubt about that on the part of any rational person.

    The US and a consortium invaded Iraq during George Bush’s tenure years later and there has been debate in the US about whether that was right or not (I don’t think it was). As for going for the oil in Ukraine, that is an old saw repeated by the communists and left wing, there is no need for that as the US and Canada have more oil resources than any other area in the world and are busy switching into export mode by building the terminals in the gulf. I also was not too surprised then to learn of your political standing in West Bengal whose largest party is the Communist party and based on the benighted and failed policies of Marxism. Unfortunately it is hard to argue factually with committed ideologues.


  30. JK Rathinam Avatar

    Ramanan Sir, you are doing a great service to Indians all over the world. I notice that you have now added a link to Siddhar Selvam on whom you had run a story once showing this person unethical deeds. The only reason I presume is that you were threatened by hi. The good news is that Selvam has been arrested now by the US Govt and has been in jail for the past 6 months. If you do not believe, see this news item: http://india-herald.com/swami-selvam-siddhar-lands-in-federal-prison-p3658-1.htm

    He will be deported once he finishes his jail term of several years.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you.

      I seem to have forgotten the post.

      Will you please forward me the Link you mentione?



  31. G.Vaidyanathan Avatar

    Recently I read an article on Akshaya Trithiya in Hindu Jagruti Manch News letter, tha twe have to do Tharpanamon that day. I wa not aware of this and tried to findout the details . Your article on 96 Tharpanams clarified this. But why no priest, who comes for doing Tharpanams never mention anything about this.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      For a Brahmin does not need another priest to perform Tharpana,They have to perform Tharpana by themselves.The habit of calling a priest or Vadhyar was started some time ,probably, in the seventeenth or The eighteenth century when Brahmins started accepting jobs, leaving their anushtaanas .


  32. sach Avatar

    it is a shame even 8 years of religious study cant cure hypocrasy, racism and hated in this man’s mind.


  33. Harbans Avatar

    All the blogs are indeed path breaking. Indeed inspiring ones.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank You,


      1. Harbans Avatar

        My pleasure sir.

        Thanks and regards


  34. Right Off Center Avatar

    Sir – I have often enjoyed your blog.I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please visit the below site for further steps. Thanks


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you for the Nomination. I replied in the Link mentioned above.


  35. vnagesh Avatar

    loved reading the blog. good work


  36. Shreyas Prakash Avatar

    Sir Please use your knowledge to enlighten these pseudo secularists from Quora. It is also a great platform to reach the masses.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have posted some articles in Quora.I shall post some more.Regds


  37. Dhruv Sharma Avatar
    Dhruv Sharma

    Shri Ram
    I feel really secured after noticing that there are Hindus like you who are trying to remove all these rumors related to the Vedas. Unless there are true Sanatan Dharma followers like you, it is sad but true that Sanatan Dharma would become extinct. I humbly request you to publicize your study and understanding further by exposing these frauds. May Parmatma always shower his grace on you!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks. I am looking for a committed Publisher to bring out a Book, yet to find one!Regds


  38. Ramaa Avatar

    interesting blog ramanan-ji – one request – can you please create an index with a list of post titles? It would be useful for accessing the articles. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Good suggestion.I shall do it shortly


  39. Krishnan B Avatar
    Krishnan B

    Sir, I was going thru your profile just now. Hope you must be knowing listening and following Bhramshir.Nochur Venkatraman swamigal often !!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No.I have not had the pleasure of knowing him of listening to his lectures.Regds


  40. Raman Venkatachalam Avatar
    Raman Venkatachalam

    Just been introduced to your blog site. Liked this article. Good to educate our future generations so they do not belittle their own roots. Best to stay out of politics. That is the domain of the crooks. Winston Churchill himself quipped” Politics is the last resort of a scoundrel” I saw a yank comment on your comments. I studied in the US for a short while and they are very jingoistic when their minds are not open. Many of them have an aggressive holier than thou attitude. I have actually seen a poster that read ” Drunk or sober, my mother; Right or wrong, my country” Whereas we know that only truth triumphs.. it does not matter how powerful or loud one is, Truth is God. would go through your blogs often, as I have the time. Good writing. I will send some links your way, so that you may be able to do more research. Venkatachala Sharma


  41. lordsiddhar Avatar

    Just great!!!


  42. hardik Avatar

    I highly recommend that you should write a book which includes all your blogs(hinduism,shivism,its relation to the whole world etc….) in a systematic manner.Things which you are mentioning are not known to masses.These things can change the perception of the people around.And very few people go around this types of blogs and do research.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks for your suggestion, I am looking for a good committed Publisher.Once I get them I shall reorganise the Blog Posts to suit Book Format.Your suggestions and help welcome.Regds


  43. Rajani Kanth Avatar


    I hv just been to yr site which is providing lot of information about India’s ancient culture, traditions, etc. I really thank you for providing so much of information in one site. Its really interesting. Actually I was browsing so many websites for the same information. Thank you once more.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar



  44. amit kumar Avatar
    amit kumar

    Dear Sir,

    Last four years I have been suffering from anxiety, heavy fear, sleep disturbance. I am also taking antidepressants. I am doing yoga, pranayama still I am not getting full relief. I always feel fear of unknown. Pls guide me.

    Amit Kumar


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Kindly send me a meaasage to my email with details about your age, prof and family.I shall reply in detail.Not advisable to discuss in an open forum.Regds


    2. ananda ramani Avatar
      ananda ramani

      Mr.amit, it called as anxiety disorder ,by birth it happened, dont worry there is tablet sertraline available on priscription from 5mg to 200 mg ,if u have pulpitations ,sleeplessness,u can take etizolam 0.5mg daily with consultations of neuro psychologist dr.this is a decease like diapetis,because brain always floating in liquid called sertraline ,if it dried hallucination ,anxiety appears.have good health.


      1. break Avatar

        Dear ananda,
        Such medicines do not heal soul nor mind, although it affects mind.
        You will get used to tablets that in a stage it will stop working and later you might be in worse situation. dont take any sleep pills .. heal your mind not supress it…

        Dear amit
        It might be adrenal fatigue and/or thyroid issues as per western medicine. you can try going gluten free or consult an endocrinolgist.
        i would suggest :as per ayurveda it might be Vata imbalance. not just pranayama will do, you have to control your diet, your habits..


        hope it helps…


  45. amit kumar Avatar
    amit kumar

    Sir Pls share your email id so that I send you in details. Or you can send text mail to me at amitkumar03@gmail.com


    1. kumaran Avatar

      Read the above article and get the details

      Personal Correspondence is welcome at my email ID


  46. Swapna Avatar

    Hello sir,

    I am looking for an auspicious date from 8oct to 18 Oct 2015 for my C-Sec.
    I am based in Dubai and am having baby girl :).Could you please suggest us the good date with timing for my c-Sec. Our details
    Mother DOB-3 Sep 1983,3:30 am
    Father DOB-21 May 1983,12:15am
    My Son DOB-21 Dec 2011,8:00 am

    Awaiting your reply..
    Many thanks in advance..



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      9,10,14,15,16,17 October.


  47. gsarathyg.parthasarathy Avatar

    nice to see your blog i am in virugambakkam,chennai,wish to talk to you in person
    pl see my blog gsarathy.wordpress.com , gsarathy@gmail.com g.parthasarathy.


  48. Senthil Kumar Avatar
    Senthil Kumar

    Dear Sir,


    I am reading your blog regularly. Please see the above link. Tamil Chinthanaiyalar Peravai, Dr Pandian came with new findings about Tamil Assevagam is the first religion and its Links. You can browse his videos in You tube also.

    Please go through & give your opinion.

    Senthil Kumar


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Link not opening properly. I have earlier seen a video that Tamils are in Cameron and I have written on this.Shall check your information.Regds


  49. hari Avatar

    mr ramanan you are just great. i just got to read ur blog
    that after 50 years of my age, now i just come to know about my india and its history
    what a country, never compare to any in this world. that is india, bharat varsha
    sir i want something on , why people are showing interest to create films very violent.
    they may spoil our youth, and this government allowing to make such films and giving ratings, what happened to this country, i hope do something and write about the result what we are getting in society. becoming gooda is now minimum qualification and easy way for earning money. i need your support as an indian. to indian

    thanking you,

    hari srinivas, artist


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you for your comment.As to films just leeave them be , they shall pass.As to our culture and history ny journey will continue D V.Regds


  50. Basant Avatar

    Hello sir,

    I am looking for an auspicious date and time for my wife’s C-Sec. As per doctor the c section needs to be performed immediately after 18th March 2016, and also the doctors are available only between 7am to 1pm to perform the surgery (Monday to Saturday)

    The c-section will be performed in New Delhi
    Mother DOB- 10 Jan 1974 6:30AM, KHATAULI, UTTAR PRADESH
    Father DOB- 04 Dec 1975 6:40PM CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU

    Kindly advise an auspiciours date and time. Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards,


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      18 21 22 and 23 March.
      22 and 23 ideal. However patient’s health must take precedence over dates.
      Leave the time to God.


  51. subasantharan sivasamy Avatar

    Dear mr.Ramanan.I wish to know about Siddthars places of samadi/burial,


  52. venkatesh prasad Avatar
    venkatesh prasad


    I wish to meet you in person to get an insight into various aspects of life. Requesting you to provide me the opportunity to do so.



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may meet me. I am in Whitefield Bangalore. Mob 09480591538.please give me a call beforehand


  53. Venkateswarulu Bulusu Avatar
    Venkateswarulu Bulusu

    Mr Ramanan Namaste , I am very happy to see your blog lot of information available in it Thank you very much With Regards Venkateswarulu


  54. kalpana Avatar

    iam kalpana 36yrs mother of two children.my first son bharathvaj is autistic 11yrs old.i saw ur blog about virupaksha temple.going to take my son on april 29th. myself along with my friends going to start a residential commune for autistic children in thiruvanamalai its DIVYA RASA want to meet u sir


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You are welcome. I am in Sarakki signal. Please mail me at ramanan50@gmail.com. II shall provide you with ny address.


  55. chaitanya Avatar

    Dear Ramani,
    Are you based in Hunter Valley,Nsw.
    Found you blog useful.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I am in Bangalore,India.Regards


  56. SannaNanjeGowda Avatar

    Hi,your blogs are informative, interesting and puts one’s mind on cogitations. Your approach to subject and sharp but crisp analysis is unique and singular.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks. Regards.


  57. ravi shankar Avatar

    I have set up a website about the impending third world war predicted by Nostradamus beginning in 2037 after 92 years of peace since the second world war. The Book of Revelation predicts a comet and an asteroid would destroy one third of the land and one third of the sea ( one third of the ships) in Jan 2037 and May 2040 respectively. Lord Kalki is mentioned by Nostradamus to be flying in the sky on his horse Devdatta and killing millions of unbelievers. Sree Veerabrahmendra Swamy a person who is considered to be a Vishnu avatara has written in the book he authored called Kalgnana about the strange events of natural disasters and man-made disasters in which billions will perish. The 3rd world war would see 200 million soldiers kill 3 billion people. The population will diminish to millions from billions in the 27 year third world war.


    1. Blizzard Avatar

      Moron. You are certainly going to be shot in 2037 for sheer stupidity.


  58. ravi shankar Avatar

    the website which contains the prophecies of Nostradamus is http://www.war2037.com. I would urge you to also go through the complete life prophecies of Sree Veerabrahmendra Swamy provided in a link in my website. Your blog is interesting and informative.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Shall go through.Thanks and regards


  59. zerocreativity0 Avatar

    Dear Sir, Its wonderful blog to follow! Thanks for sharing Indian Culture, heritage all across the globe!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar



      1. zerocreativity0 Avatar

        Welcome and it means a lot!


  60. mnbhblog Avatar

    Sir it so happens that if there is something we want to know about religion /custom/temples etc first search is your blog not exaggerating…


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you.Regards.


  61. Nandakumar Gopalan Avatar

    With Best Wishes & Kind Regards.
    I invite you to visit my Facebook account
    Nandakumar Gopalan

    Sage Agastiya spelt in Agastiya Nadi read 35 years ago
    that; above age 68, i will be formatting several books..!!!

    அறுபா னீர் நான்கின் மேலாய்..
    நல்ல நூல் பலதும் வடிவமாக்கி*

    It is not me, it is the grace of
    Swarna Yakshini ( Goddess of Enlightenment)
    & Karna Yakshini (Goddess of Acoustics)
    Guiding by showing & spelling
    in each Compulsion to perform.

    It is humanly impossible otherwise by self effort alone.
    It was indicated by my Guru that it will happen
    at age 68; and that is, what it is now.

    Formatting a page is possible only in a Computer- literally !
    Which are these of my 50 Pages and 50 Groups Created &
    formatted by me in 2014-15 & 15-16; in a span of 2 years,
    at the age of 68 & 69, in a couple years spanning 2014-16.

    MAJOR Pages & Groups that would lead to all other ones :
    FORMATTED in FACEBOOK (முகநூலில் வடிவமாக்கி*)
    iiosp – official PAGE of the GROUP


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you .Shall visit the site.I have been reading your posts.


      1. Chakrapani Avatar

        Hi Ramanan can you write Sankalpa for Auckland New Zealand


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Shall write.


  62. A. JAGANMOHAN RAO Avatar

    Dear Mr. Ramanan,

    I keep browsing a number of websites and in this process, I bounced on your blog. I cannot express my joy in words that I have accessed the right blog. I am 75 years. I am a very staunch devotee of LALITHA TRIPURA SUNDARI and BALA TRIPURA SUNDARI.



    Thanks and Regards,
    Jaganmohan Rao


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      My phone +9194805 91538. Now I am at Sarakki till saturday this week . I will be at my home at whitefield from Saturday evening. You may meet me at any place. Just call me before leaving your home. Regards


  63. Jagadeesan Avatar

    Dear Sri. Ramani, there is pithru dosha in my daughter’s horoscope and we have been advised to perform srartham at Allahabad, Gaya and Kasi. Is it sufficient if I do that with my wife or should I have to take my daughter also along with us. She is 28 yrs and marriage not settled yet.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Better she accompanies you and has the akshata at these places.


      1. Jagadeesan Avatar

        Thank you, Sir.


      2. Jagadeesan Avatar

        Sir, I hope you are a frequent visitor to Varanasi and Gaya. How would be the weather at these places during October/November.


      3. ramanan50 Avatar

        Beginning of early winter. Carry winter clothes.


    2. Jagadeesan Avatar

      Dear Sir, srartham at Gaya, Allahabad & Kasi can be performed in any part of the day or it should be ddne only in the morning hours. We have to complete the ritual in all the places in three days.


      1. ramanan50 Avatar

        Mornings only. The sastrigal will be available from 7 AM


  64. Shailesh Avatar

    Thank you for your wonderful blog, which gives a good insight about Hinduism.
    I have some queries
    1) do any Vedic text speak about eradicating poverty and how?
    2) in near future say 22nd century most of the people may migrate to other planet, then how will kaliyug matter.
    3) in Satya yoga Vishnu took the 1st 4 avatar war was between god and demons, in Treta yoga next 3 avatar war was between good people and bad people in society , in dwapara yuga next 2 avatar war was between families, so Kali Yuga what will happen? People are unable to trust anyone even the family members.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Garuda Purana explains this in detail.


  65. Swetha Avatar

    hi Sir,
    My parents have seen a guy for me. I feel he is ideal for me. I wish he becomes my husband soon. Kindly suggest me some mantras to attain him as my husband.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Smaram Yonim Lakshmeem Thrithayamidamaadau Thava Manoho
      Nidhaayaike Nithye Niravadhimahaabhogarasikaaha!
      Bhajanthi Thvaam Chinthaamanigunanibaddhaakshavalayaaha
      Shivaagnau Juhvanthaha Surabhighruthadhaaraahuthishathaihi!”

      Nine times a day


  66. Nirmala Srinivas M Avatar

    It seems kalachakra of Tibetians resembles of Hindu Sri Chakra. Can you elaborate on Kalachakra please.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Shall write.


  67. Madhu Elayath Avatar
    Madhu Elayath


    I have read your blogs & its very informative. but sometimes i feel that you always relates everything to Tamil.
    can you write about Kerala & its importance. there are many things which Kerala has given to this world.

    Madhu Elayath


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I agree. The point is that Tamil and Sanskrit seem to run parallel and hence I rely more on them. At the same time I have written on the antiquity of Kerala which is not noticeable as Kerala was a part of Tamils and was called Chera Kingdom.I have written on 2 million year od Kannada Brahmi script and on Bengal. My objective is to unveil Indian history which has been distorted.There is no question of regional or linguistic bias.Another point is that I am resonably proficient in Sanskrit and Tamil and hence my reliance on these two.I welcome inputs from scholars from different regions and languages.Thank you and Regards.


  68. Madhu Elayath Avatar
    Madhu Elayath

    write something about sabrimala which is not known to us.
    also what are your views on current issue of women entry to sabrimala.

    Madhu Elayath


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have written on Sabarimala and Makara Jothi.Shall write on women temple entry.


  69. Madhu Elayath Avatar
    Madhu Elayath

    read abt sabarimala & waiting for your views on women entry. isn’t it so funny that south indian hindu women has no problem with sabrimala rule but kerala hindu Men & that to from Media & some swamis have problem.
    Also would like to know your views on Vavar ( babar). do you believe the VAVAR is real or fake.
    even if a person called Vavar was there how come he is from different religion other than Hinduism (considering that ayappa story happened more that 3-4 thousands ago?

    Madhu Elayath


  70. kumar Avatar

    When there is 10 day theetu (due to father’s cousin passing away) can brahma yagnam be done along with madhyanam daily? Do respond. Thanks


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After Sanjayanam on the second day these csn be done.


      1. kumar Avatar

        Thank You Sri Ramani for your kind response..Everyday for some years now, I have been chanting Rudram, Lalitha Sahasranam and Vishnu Sahasranamam on a daily basis. Can I chant these during these 10 days? Kindly advise.


  71. kumar Avatar

    Thank You Sir….


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Unable to locate this gotta.Will you check the spelling ? Marsalis have vaisya Gotras. Are you a Maheswari?
      Sorry about not moderating your earlier comments as I am receiving about sixty to seventy comments a day and I normally give priority to illness and life related problems.And I have been busy with my research. Regret the delay.Regards


  72. Sakuntala Nagesan Avatar

    Namskaram Sir. In your article 18 December 2017, about a Britisher who saw Lord Shiva renovated Lord Shiva’s temple, Baijnath, Agar, Malva you mentioned that you wrote articles about “the sage who spoke from the grave, Goddess Meenakshi leads by hand, Abhirami plays, how, all documented”. I scanned through your articles, but failed to find them. Please give me the years of the articles. I would very much want to read these priceless articles.
    Thank you Sir


    1. Sakuntala Nagesan Avatar

      Thank you Sir for providing references for the sage who spoke from the tomb and Goddess Meenakshi leads by hand. Please give me the reference for the third one, “Abhirami plays”.


  73. Sakuntala Nagesan Avatar

    https://polldaddy.com/js/rating/rating.jsNamaskaram Sir
    My sister is suffering from “koon Mudhugu”. please advise me some sloka or mantra to recite to cure this “hunch back”. Thank you


  74. Shri Hershal Avatar

    Dear Sir, I am doing research on ancient genealogy , kindly help me review my genealogy


  75. Gaurav Kumar Srivastav Avatar
    Gaurav Kumar Srivastav

    Sir, Want to discuss that what is the proof that you are writing is true. Means what is source of knowledge.

    Like i read , Bali – A king from S. America or Narsimha kill hiranyakashyap in Pakistan,

    Sir. Please reply i am very interested to listen you.

    9599341194- My number


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have provided a list of sources in my Page Sources for Rama is blog and o also provide sources on each post. You may contact me at my number between 5 and 10 pm IST.,Please ping before calling.Regards.


  76. Parthasarathy R. Avatar
    Parthasarathy R.

    Dear Ramani Sir
    Season’s Greetings !
    I request you to research blog on the past Pole shift during the vedic period.
    We come across many temples of vedic period all of which is facing the West instead of East.
    This might be the cause of a permanent pole shift which might have happened in the past and which might also be the cause of many continents submerge and new ones emerge out of the sea.
    I am just a layman interested and read your research articles. needless to say, I have gained a considerable amount of knowledge about the past through your blog.
    Once again, thank you for your persevere efforts going to great lengths of life researching and sharing such intrinsic information with all through your blog.
    I remain with the best of my regards


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you. Will you please share the list of temples facing West? The Garbhagruha is facing West ? Regards


  77. Palanichamy Perumal Avatar
    Palanichamy Perumal

    Most wonderful frank and brief description of yours”……Thanks!…


  78. ravirajbakre8d95fb9541 Avatar

    Proud of what you are doing. Feel lucky that we have people like you in our society. Thanks. Proud Sanatani.🙏


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Ramanisblog is a platform where Ramanan shares his thoughts, knowledge, and interests with his readers. As a retired senior management professional and current management consultant in the field of education, Ramanan brings a wealth of experience to his blog.

His areas of expertise include Indian history, ancient civilizations, Hinduism practices, Indian philosophy, and culture. With degrees in philosophy and psychology, he has dedicated eight years of his life to learning the Vedas, the sacred books of Hindus.

Ramanan’s blog covers a wide range of topics, including corruption, India, religion, Hinduism, philosophy, lifestyle, and parenting, to name just a few. The blog currently has around 116 articles, each offering unique insights and perspectives.

Although Ramanan clarifies that he is not a professional writer and acknowledges his limited knowledge, he continues to write because of his desire to be heard and to share what interests him. Constructive feedback and comments, without abusive language, are welcomed by Ramanan.

While Ramanan admits to the habit of not proofreading his work, he values the help of readers in pointing out any mistakes in content, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

For personal correspondence, Ramanan can be reached via email at ramanan50@gmail.com.

Thank you for being among the 17.5 million readers who have found value in Ramanan’s blog.

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