Christianize India Hinduism Methods Tools Joshua Project Details

It is quite sometime that I stopped writing about other Religions,excepting to draw comparative analysis.

And about Politics.

Reason is that my readers felt that I should write on Sanatana Dharma, History of Hinduism,Real history of India, Unique but less known temples,texts of Hinduism, remedies suggested in Hinduism to overcome difficulties and advanced Scientific concepts in Hinduism.

I have been writing for the past ten years and I ceased writing on other Religions and Politics.

But many social issues,of late,have been disturbing me.

One such issue is planned denigration of Hinduism and overt attempt at Proselytism.

Religious conversion has assumed alarming proportions.

Trends are emerging.

All of a sudden we find a surge in Christian groups’ activities aimed at Converting Hindus by visiting areas where Hindus, especially Brahims live,sudden Tamil identity being professed by people like Seeman,Thirumurugan Gandhi,Manushya Puthran who raise anti India slogans and in the name and style of social activists raise anything connected with development in Tamil Nadu ,their relentless attack on Hinduism under the guise of Secularism ( none of these people are Hindus, despite chaste Tamil Hindu names,the first two , Christians,the last one a Muslim,

The raise in Public litigation about Hindu temples,like the one asking Supreme court to allow women in Sabarimala,the petitioner is a non Hindu,

The systematic attempt to block methane pipeline project,

The Koodankulam Project,

Agitation against IPL,

Bundhs against NEET System,

Clamour to release killers of Rajiv Gandhi and others,

Attack on Brahmins by cutting their Upaveeda,Jaanu,

Cutting their Tufts,

Producing films with saleable Stars to attack Hinduism,

Spurt in internet activity questioning the Unity and integrity of India,

Inciting hatred against people from other states,

Ridiculing Hindu gods ,goddesses, practices,

Grabbing Hindu temple lands and attempting to convert them into Churches,

Forcing children not to wear Hindu marks…

The list is endless.

There seems to be a design behind all this.

A systematic attempt at destination of India and at the same time convert Hindus to Christianity.

None of the people who mentioned above do not have a profession to speak of.

They live in lavish style organise huge rallies.


The logistics involved in their rallies and the information flow and shares is astounding.

Add to this YouTube channels.

Instagram,FB and Twitter.

You have it.

The answer,

The Joshua Project.

Conceived by Evangelists from US,their avowed aim is to Christianise India.

Their methods are a lesson to top international marketing Giants,like Unilever,Tesco…

They first identify the area,

The Ethnic groups,


Sub caste,

Their strength and weaknesses,

How to convert them,

Specific method of conversion for each group,

Specific tools to measure the process and progress of Christianity in.

Using a special tool as CPI,Church Planting Index,

Providing ,apart from funds , pamphlets,books they also use inducement like sex!

The are specific as to how they convet whom.

For example to convert Brahmins,they do not do it openly.

They state that Brahmins are pious,not easily swayed.

So the approach is to become one among them and convince them Jesus is an Avatar of Hindu God.

Starting with organisations like Christ Brahman Samithi.

‘Prayer Points

* Brahmins are a key community in India who uphold Hinduism. Please pray that the light of the gospel breaks through the veil that blinds this community.
* Pray that the true God will reveal Himself to this community and use Brahmins to preach and teach about Jesus Christ.


Visiting deceased’s relatives before the thirteenth day ceremony ,console them and attempt to convert them.

This happened to me when I was performing the Thirteen days ceremony for my elder brother last year at Chennai.

I wish to go no further.

I am providing excerpts from Joshua Project Site and from other writings and blogs.

Time we understand the seriousness of the issue and safeguard our interests.

I will write on how

As to their funds they say it is run by four volunteers who accept no salaries!

The organization is funded by World Vision under a new name andon paper, anonymous Donors.

Number of People Groups


People Groups Unreached

2,289 (89.6%)

Progress Level



Population in Unreached

1,274,692,000 (94.6%)

Largest Religion

% Professing Christian **


% Evangelical


Evangelical Annual Growth Rate


(Global Rate = 2.6%)

Pat Robertson in his television program The 700 Club said this about Indians:

“I feel that these beautiful people, they are so hungry for God. You know this is the largest democracy in the world, over a billion people, and perhaps this would be considered the most religious country on earth. But they are looking for the wrong God. I believe they are open to Jesus, and my hope is to see 100 million Indians come to the Lord Jesus Christ in the next few years.”

This is the main inspiration behind the creation of the meticulous information warehouse called theJoshua Project.

In the case of India, the Joshua Project created a list which stated the percentage of non-Christians in India as 93.3%. Quite diligently, the non-Christian communities are catalogued according to their location, religious affiliation, language, and population.This was accomplished by painstaking data collection using the pincode system devised by the Indian postal department.

Joshua Project began in 1995 as part of the AD2000 and Beyond Movement. From 2001 through 2005 Joshua Project was at different times informally connected with Caleb Project, ICTA and World Help. Since 2006 Joshua Project has been a ministry of Frontier Ventures (formerly known as the U.S. Center for World Mission).

Joshua Project helps define the unfinished task of the Great Commission by highlighting unreached people groups.

The original Joshua Project list was a cooperative and globally accepted list of the largest unreached ethno-linguistic people groups and related ministry activity data. The Joshua Project list attempted to provide a clear goal of pioneer church-planting among the largest unreached peoples. Joshua Project has since expanded this list to all unreached / least-reached peoples regardless of size and moved from a purely ethno-linguistic to an ethnic people focus.

Distinctives and Uniqueness

  • Strategic – We help mission strategists who ask, “Where is the greatest need?” Our desire is to help focus the Church on the most spiritually needy ethnic people groups.
  • Effective – We seek to maximize the effectiveness of Kingdom resources by helping identify and reduce duplication of effort between ministries through data sharing.
  • Comprehensive – Our emphasis is on comprehensiveness, to see that the Church is initially established in all the world’s ethnic peoples. Our method has been “when in doubt include a people group on the list” to ensure that no groups are overlooked.
  • Neutral – We are a neutral, low-profile ministry, serving the global missions community.
  • Grassroots – We encourage grassroots initiatives and seek input from those actually doing onsite work. Priority is given to updates made by local and national researchers.
  • Openhanded – We provide all data and services at no charge and we desire individuals and agencies in all parts of the world to have access to unreached peoples data.

Data is gathered from a worldwide constituency of researchers, field workers, agencies and denominations.

Constituency and Partners

We serve missions agencies, denominations, churches, and individuals around the world that have a heart for pioneer church-planting among the world’s least-reached people groups. Data is gathered from a worldwide constituency of field workers and their agencies, brought together into a database, and within security guidelines, provided free of charge to the global Church.

Regular users and providers of Joshua Project data include: international researchers and church-planters, local churches and individuals, denominations and mission agencies. Field workers utilize the information for building prayer and vision for their ministries and discovering what ministry tools may be available. Local churches see value for missions mobilization, and for finding agencies with whom they can partner to see pioneer churches established among unreached / least-reached people groups. Mission agencies use the data to strategically determine where to send new church-planting teams and for partnership development to avoid duplication and waste of kingdom resources.

Joshua Project is a small team of four staff members.


Technical acronyms such as CPI, or Church Planting Indicator, with a ranking system of 0 to 5, are used to measure the progress of church growth based on churches established and number of ‘reached people’—that is, converts attending them. Not shy of sharing their success, the Joshua Project includes a scale which allows the missionaries to track the progress of conversion:

  1. Red indicates less than two per cent Evangelical and less than five per cent Christian.
  2. Yellow indicates less than two per cent Evangelical but greater than five per cent Christian.
  3. Green indicates from two per cent to greater than five per cent Evangelical.

Progress of Conversion

This detailed report of TII from 2006 highlights the achievements of those associated with the Joshua Project in 75,000 Pin Codes: Action Plan, which targeted North India in particular. Notable among them is the Gospel of Asia which targeted 100 unreached people groups out of 200 groups defined by “Joshua Project”.

The same report mentioned that all these organizations have come together under a loosely-organised umbrella, “North India Harvest Network (NIHN)“. The stated mission of this network is “Plug, Prem and be Nice” where:

Plug= People in everyLanguage in every Urban centre in every Geographic division.

Prem= Prayer,Research, Equipping & training and Mobilisation

Nice=Networking, Initiative, Catalyst and Encouraging the missionaries.

These tactics have been put into proper use by other groups like the Seventh Day Adventists. Their activities in India started with the Canadian national, D.R. Watts, President for the South Asian Division of Seventh Day Adventists, who had been residing in India on a ‘Business Visa


References and Citations.

One response to “Christianize India Hinduism Methods Tools Joshua Project Details”

  1. Rajagopal Avatar

    Proselytisation is very much on and the so called Joshua project lends it sharper focus and direction in the form of missionaries and needed resources. They readily exploit the weakness of Hinduism, which is its highly individualistic nature and lack of community orientation. The only way forward is for Hindu organisations to realise it and foster a sense of community and social commitment by taking over villages to support social causes in addition to proactively promoting Vedic studies and fostering a sense pride in our cultural heritage. There has to pressure on governments to include Vedic studies at schools and universities. Otherwise, the years ahead is likely to witness the country being swamped by these proselytising Semitic religions.


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