Mantras To Overcome Fear Mental Disturbance

I am providing some Mantras for  relief from mental disturbances, including Schizophrenia,Alzheimer’s,Deep depression,Melancholia, Cancer,Life threatening diseases and Possession from evil spirits.

Some might wonder why I have included possession by Evil Spirits in this category.

The answer is I have experienced this personally.

While none could cure it, including famous psychiatrists, these Mantras have cured.

I have discussed this issue with many psychiatrists and Neuro Physicians.

Their answer is’ I do not know’

Recite any of these Mantras for 45 Days, 18 times a day, begin on the sixth day of the waxing Moon, Sukla Paksha, early in the morning, Naivedya, Sakkarai Pongal.

On the day of completion feed a poor man or woman and if you can afford give them Clothes.

Cash offering is to be avoided.

Make sure you give out to those who are in need of these.

Do not inform people that you are reciting this Mantra.

Relatives of those who are afflicted may perform this.

Goddess Kamakshi
Devi Kamakshi

Sloka 1.

Jagat soote dhaataa hariravati rudraha kshapayate
Tiraskurvannetat swamapi vapu-reesa-stirayati
Sadaa poorvaha sarvam tadida-manugrihnaati ca siva-
Stavaajnaa maalambya kshanacalitayorbhroolatikayoh

जगत्सूते धाता हरिरवति रुद्रः क्षपयते
तिरस्कुर्व-न्नेतत् स्वमपि वपु-रीश-स्तिरयति ।
सदा पूर्वः सर्वं तदिद मनुगृह्णाति च शिव-
स्तवाज्ञा मलम्ब्य क्षणचलितयो र्भ्रूलतिकयोः ॥ 24 ॥

Jagat soote creates the world
dhaataa Lord Brahma, the creator [Generator]God
harihi Lord Vishnu, the Organisor God
avati maintains
rudraha Lord Rudra, the Destructor God
Kshapayate destroys
G O D – generation – organization – destruction
The whole world [of actions] or even the fourteen worlds consists of only these three functions.

2. Sloka 2.From Subramanya Bhujangam

Lord Subrahmanya

अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह_
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥
Apasmaara-Kusstta-Kssaya-Arshah Prameha_
Jvaro[a-U]nmaada-Gulma-Adi-Rogaa Mahaantah |
Pishaacaash-Ca Sarve Bhavat-Patra-Bhuutim
Vilokya Kssannaat-Taaraka-Are Dravante ||25||

25.1: (Salutations to Sri Subramanya) Apasmara (Epilepsy), Kussttha (Leprosy), Kssaya (Consumption), Arsha (Piles),Prameha (Urinary diseases like Diabetes), …
25.2: … Jwara (Fever), Unmada (Madness, Insanity), Gulma (Enlargement of Spleen or other glands in the abdomen) and other formidable Diseases, …
25.3: … as also all types of Pisachas (Evil Spirits), … (when) in Your Bibhuti (Sacred Ash) contained in a Leaf, …
25.4: … sees You, Who is the Enemy of the formidable Taraka (i.e demon Tarakasura), they hasten to Run awayImmediately.

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57 responses to “Mantras To Overcome Fear Mental Disturbance”

  1. Tuhin Sarkar Avatar
    Tuhin Sarkar

    please give me in details how to recover someone who is sufferings from mental disorder


  2. Prashanth Kulkarni Avatar
    Prashanth Kulkarni

    thanks sir…… any mantra for … for getting good job….


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have afew mantras.Try out Ganesha Mantra to remove obstacles from my post. or Google jobs ramanan50 and choose a suitable one,Regds


  3. Nagarajan S Avatar
    Nagarajan S

    What type of slokam would give peace of mind


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      There seems to be no specific rule.But certain common features are found.1.They have some Bheeja Aksharas hidden in them.2.They are by great scholars/Bhakthas, like Sankaracharya.3.They are recommended by tradition, in some cases they are indicated in the sloka or in the Palasruthi.Regds


  4. mohandas suppiah Avatar
    mohandas suppiah

    I in bad situation of anxiety. Pls help, sir.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please recite Sankalpa Suktha.Google Sankalpa Suktha ramanan50.If you still have issues please write to me at my email


  5. anonto asim Avatar
    anonto asim

    How many times chant this mantra per day?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar
  6. Ramu Mahendar Avatar
    Ramu Mahendar

    I have an both Visual & hearing problem.. I am mentally depressed plese sujjest a Stotra / mantras to get hope in life


  7. rajeev das Avatar
    rajeev das

    I am 42 years old male suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder from a long time took lot of treatment from psychiatrist but no relief .I have also recited moon mantra but no cure please help


  8. Jayalakshmi Avatar

    Really good. Thank You. Can you give me a mantra to get a job in abroad.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please check under Sakam Gayatri Mantra ,choose a sloka that meets your needs and perform Sankalpa as ‘for getting a suitable job abroad’


  9. sasikala Avatar

    Thanks for the posts. I will like to know if I can chant the mantra on behalf of my son since he is young and also not in a position to recite.



  10. Jyoti Gupta Avatar
    Jyoti Gupta

    Sir, One of my elder sister recently got married and she has some mental problems which even I dont know what kind of isue is with her but she seems different from others. But she understands everything. Please suggest any mantra that can help me in getting her in normal mental state and she can live her married life happily. Can I recite on behalf of her. Please guide me.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I may be able to suggest if I have details. You may contact me at If you are in Bangalore you may contact me in person.


    2. varsha Avatar

      sir my neice is 2 nd half years old she has some mental broblem she unable to walk and not even able understand the thing.please suggest any mantra that can help me getting her in a normal state.please help me.


      1. ramanan50 Avatar

        No need to worry, some children pick up after 3 years.Keep talking to the child.And allow the child mingle with the age group two to five,She will be ok..However the parents can recite the following Mantra 1008 times a day. For more information on Naivedya and other details
        The Mantra ‘Om Eim Saraswatyai Swaha ! May Goddess Abhirami Bless You’


  11. sravan Avatar

    i have hand shivering from past 10 year . how to remove this one.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please check with a Neuro-physician and if there is no improvement in six months, please let me know.


  12. Shiva Prasad Avatar
    Shiva Prasad

    Hello sir, my brother is suffering from schizophrenia for the past 10 years, is it possible to get rid of this problem.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may try this.for more details email to


  13. A. P Avatar
    A. P

    I am in depression from last 10 years.. I have started worshipping Lord hanuman on regular basis and also ganesh Ji., devi and shiv Ji.. However there is one problem that disturbs my continuity and that is my health.. I regularly fall sick. Please help


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please recite the mantra in the link 12 times a day for 45 days.

      Sorry for the delay in replying,Regards.


  14. Ap Avatar

    Please do reply whenever you get time


  15. subhasish bhattacharjee Avatar
    subhasish bhattacharjee

    how to improve confidence & get rid of fear & nervousness


  16. nitin paliwal Avatar
    nitin paliwal

    Rammana sir my growth related to career and financial terms is not good even if do job after sometime I have to leave even if I had done best even money is not stable after so much effort and extra ordinary capability I am not able to save money even health is not good shani and rahu mahadasha is troubling me as well as can I do good in business or govt job.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may chant Mantrarajapadam.
      ॥ श्रीमन्त्रराजपदस्तोत्रम् ॥

      पाञ्चरात्र आगमीय अहिर्बुध्न्य संहितात्
      श्री मन्त्र राज पद स्तोत्रम्
      श्री ईश्वर उवाच –
      वृत्तोत्फुल्लविशालाक्षं विपक्षक्षयदीक्षितम् ।
      निनादत्रस्तविश्वाण्डं विष्णुमुग्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १॥

      सर्वैरवध्यतां प्राप्तं सबलौघं दितेः सुतम् ।
      नखाग्रैः शकलीचक्रे यस्तं वीरं नमाम्यहम् ॥ २॥

      पदावष्टब्धपातालं मूर्धाविष्टत्रिविष्टपम् ।
      भुजप्रविष्टाष्टदिशं महाविष्णुं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ३॥

      ज्योतींष्यर्केन्दुनक्षत्रज्वलनादीन्यनुक्रमात् ।
      ज्वलन्ति तेजसा यस्य तं ज्वलन्तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ४॥

      सर्वेन्द्रियैरपि विना सर्वं सर्वत्र सर्वदा ।
      यो जानाति नमाम्याद्यं तमहं सर्वतोमुखम् ॥ ५॥

      नरवत् सिंहवच्चैव यस्य रूपं महात्मनः ।
      महासटं महादंष्ट्रं तं नृसिंहं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ६॥

      यन्नामस्मरणाद् भीताः भूतवेतालराक्षसाः ।
      रोगाद्याश्च प्रणश्यन्ति भीषणं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ७॥

      सर्वोऽपि यं समाश्रित्य सकलं भद्रमश्नुते ।
      श्रिया च भद्रया जुष्टो यस्तं भद्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ८॥

      साक्षात् स्वकाले सम्प्राप्तं मृत्युं शत्रुगणान्वितम् ।
      भक्तानां नाशयेद् यस्तु मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ९॥

      नमस्कारात्मकं यस्मै विधायाऽऽत्मनिवेदनम् ।
      त्यक्तदुःखोऽकिलान् कामान् अश्नन्तं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १०॥

      दासभूताः स्वतः सर्वे ह्यात्मानः परमात्मनः ।
      अतोऽहमपि ते दासः इति मत्वा नमाम्यहम् ॥ ११॥

      शङ्करेणादरात् प्रोक्तं पदानां तत्त्वनिर्णयम् ।
      त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेत् तस्य श्रीर्विद्याऽऽयुश्च वर्धते ॥
      Controlling wasteful expenditure lies in your hands.


  17. Sangeeta Avatar

    I suffer from great psychological fear. In anything that I do – domestic front as well as office front – due to this I can’t handle people & situations in my life which has made it miserable for me. I understand that while u r in the womb & what ur mother feels at that time – those emotions shape up ur life. So while I was conceived in 1972. – it was war time with Pakistan. So is it that I will never come out of this fear which keeps killing me. Even if I m right I can’t stand up for myself. Pls help


  18. Manish Avatar

    My sister in law is suffering from some mental problem( Schizophrenia) for the last three – four months, please suggest a mantra which can be recited to treat her problem and also let me know how many times to recite


  19. Sunrise Avatar

    Sir, i want to get rid of day dreaming (i waste a lot of time in day dreaming and even i stop then also after a time i m again in the same condition) what should i do.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may recite Sankalpa suktha. Please google sankalpa suktha+ramanan50. I have provided details.


  20. Armin Avatar

    my father has severe fear of death due to which he is very restless and overworks himself…. he does not sleep properly… he is also very suspicious & avoids people because he reads about all bad incidents happening in the world…any mantra which will help calm him down


  21. Sandhya Avatar

    Sir, my son had 3 brain surgeries and has hearing problem and speech. He is 5 yrs old and hyperactivity is extremely. I don’t know what to do? Please guide me and tell me what to do.
    Thank u


  22. Alex Avatar

    I’m slightly confused how to use the mantras explained for mental illness and how to use the videos?
    I would appreciate if u got back to me by email?
    Thank you,


  23. Alex annand Avatar
    Alex annand

    I suffer with mental illness.
    Im confused how to use this? Im new to hindusim so an explanation how to use this woukd be great.
    Thank you.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please follow what is found in the article.


  24. Mehul Avatar

    Dear Ramani,

    Please could you also help me with resolving irrational fears?

    Regards, Mehul


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Sent mail to you yesterday,27th.


  25. firststepoutblog Avatar

    How many times does it need be repeated?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      18 times a day ,in the morning, for 45 days.


  26. Rema Nalin Avatar reciting the mantra 108 times
    everyday, should we offer naivedya. or should we do it after the 45 days cycle?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Naivedya daily.


  27. Lekshmy Mahadevan Avatar Sir, Namaskaram, Sir, my son has got his GRE exam tomorrow, he has prepared very very hard, but due to fear and tension he makes silly mistakes and loses 8 to 10 marks. He is so upset and down. I know I am writing to you at the last moment. This is his second attempt. He has to score 320+ otherwise he will not get good colleges. Kindly advise as a Mother what I can do for him and what slokas he can chant. I am in Delhi and he is in Bangalore. Many thanks and with kind regards, Lekshmy. By the grace of God, I know Soundarya Lahari, Lalitha Sahasranamam, Vishnu Sahasranamam, so many slokas. Kindly advise. Many thanks & with kind regards, Lekshmy


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      4.Scoring better marks in examinations.

      Om Aim Hrim
      Kleem Maha Saraswati Devaya

      5.Mantra to be chanted before preparing for examinations.

      Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
      Varadey Kaamarupinee
      Vidhyarambham Karishyami,
      Sidhir bhavathu mey sada

      6.For success in Career oriented/Professional Examinations.

      Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae
      Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayaaat


  28. Dhruba Mandal Avatar

    Sir need to chant 1 t sloka or both as i am suffering from anxiety and fear of death since long

    जगत्सूते धाता हरिरवति रुद्रः क्षपयते
    तिरस्कुर्व-न्नेतत् स्वमपि वपु-रीश-स्तिरयति ।
    सदा पूर्वः सर्वं तदिद मनुगृह्णाति च शिव-
    स्तवाज्ञा मलम्ब्य क्षणचलितयो र्भ्रूलतिकयोः ॥ 24 ॥

    अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह_
    ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
    पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
    विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥


    1. Khalid Qureshi Avatar
      Khalid Qureshi

      Ramanan sahab , main aur meri fmly lambe arse se Kale Jadu aur saayo k asar se sadd rhi h. Meri pita ki jaan is saal kam age mn gayi is vajah se achanak 4.5 yrs phle handicppd hone k baad. Aapka mob no den. Aapse baat krna chahta hu. Mera hai 9893242929, 9131762904. Mjhme Evil spirit ka possession hai kaafi samay se , shayad is vajah se ek Psychiatric problem h 2008 se. Kya mjhe yeh Mantra padhne se fayda hoga ??? Kya dono mantra pdhne honge?? Kya purane kpde daan kr skte hn ki naye khareed k karne honge??


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