7000 Years Old Temple In Bangalore

Many associate Bangalore as an IT hub and a city founded by Kempe Gowda.


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Other researches say it is ,


An inscription, dating back to 890 AD, shows Bengaluru is over 1,000 years old. But it stands neglected at the Parvathi Nageshwara Temple in Begur near the city … written inhale Kannada (old Kannada) of the 9th Century, the epigraph refers to a Bengaluru war in 890 AD in which Buttanachetty, a servant of Nagatta, died.”


But the fact, according to latest reports is that Bangalore is at least 7000 years Old!


ancient nandeeshwara temple at malleswaram 17th cross was discovered only three years ago, but it has stood for 7,000 years on that spot. being buried over the years hasn’t diminished its aura at all. it still draws huge crowds all day. 

According to residents living nearby, the temple was completely buried and the land above it was a flat stretch. “three years ago, a politician tried to sell this plot. but people objected on the grounds that the land should first be dug through to see if they could find something,” says the priest, ravi shankar bhatt. and so when they started digging up the land, they found buried underneath, this temple. it was in perfect condition, preserved by the thick layers of soil. 
this underground temple was enclosed within a stone cut courtyard supported by ancient stone pillars. at the far end of the courtyard, a nandi was carved out of a black stone with eyes painted in gold. from its mouth a clear stream of water flowed directly on to a shivalinga made out of the same black stone at a lower level. there were steps that led to a small pool in the centre of the courtyard where the water flowed and collected. the pool’s centre had a 15 feet deep whirlpool. 
everything remains the same today. nobody knows where the water comes from and how it passes from the mouth of the nandi idol on to the shivalinga. nobody knows how the whirlpool came into being. the source of water, the sculptor, even the time when it was built remains a mystery. 
“there has been no scientific explanation for the source of water till date,” says resident shivalingaiah. “some say it was built by shivaji maharaj. some say it’s older. but of one thing we were sure, the temple has remained untouched over the years. we found it exactly as it might have been before it was covered by soil,” he adds. “



7000  year old Temple in Bangalore



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20 responses to “7000 Years Old Temple In Bangalore”

  1. Venugopal K Avatar
    Venugopal K

    Amazing…very very useful information….this only enough to prove GOD’S PRESENCE EVERYWHERE. Thank you very much.


  2. BALAJI N RAO (@tweeterjumbo) Avatar

    This temple has a powerful lingam. Stand between the lingam and the nandi and ask archak to remove mask adoring the lingam. The energy emanating from lingam will make you rotate or shake. More the thoughts and purity of mind, you experience more of the energy. This had happened to one of my friends, very devout and pious person, he has no information about this temple, we made him to stand and he started swaying.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I am unable to get the image on the Net.Do you have a Photo? You may send it tome at my email ID.



  3. Journeymart Avatar

    Really amazing and useful information, thanks for sharing on the web.


  4. guruprasadskhd Avatar

    Wow,really AMAZING. One day we have to go together and see this ANCIENT TREASURE. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.


  5. B.R.Srikanth Avatar

    Shiva in this temple also called as Dakshnieshwara b’coz it is facing south direction . There is Gangamma Devi temple across the road just above Dakshnieshwara temple next to that Kadumalleshwara temple ,LakshmiNarasimha temple and Dattathreya temples are there. All these temples are very old and very powerful . ( some people even saw real gangamatha in the temple – I know lot of people don’t believe but it is true )a must visit place after Saibaba temple !!!


  6. Raveendra Kamat K S Avatar

    Thanks !, truth seeking is endless.


  7. Raghavendra Avatar

    The above pictures of temple and the tank is at the Bhoganandeeshwara temple at Devanahalli, Off Nandi Hills, Bangalore.


  8. Raghuram Avatar

    The temple that is mentioned was constructed in 1913 after that, the land on which temple stands was almost sold, due to an able officer who verified and found the papers produced by seller was bogus and because of his efforts temple was saved, this happened in 1995, As a resident of the area, i have visited this temple many a times from 1997. Their are many older places in Bangalore, that have been mentioned to have been visited by Panadavas also.


  9. Sridharan Avatar

    Very interesting blog. How the temple is as old as 7000 years is not detailed? Are there any inscriptions to suggest this temples period and have any officials or historian authenticated the age of the temple? These are real food for research activity and the history of Bangalore may be rewritten. However the beauty and serenity of the temple is impeccable.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Valid poine on the date of the temple. I am searching for information on this.Readers may conribute


  10. L.Subramanya Sharma Avatar
    L.Subramanya Sharma

    You have given info about Begur Temple. But you have omitted the great mud walled circular fort of about 4.5 acres in Begur. Even now it is intact. they say that it is belonging to 100 AD.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Kindly let me have more details.Regds


  11. drsundaram Avatar

    fantastic shri ramanan. i am resident close to the Begur temple; naturally i am enthralled about your cover up. thank you as i see this on this great maha sivarathri day. But some one here says the pics and nandi w are in a different place but do not belong to begur nageswara temple. but one pic of temples with Gopurams is correct and pertained to the subject topic. can you please share more views please in deference to the particular point of ref? namaskaram.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I shall cross check. Residents of Malleshwaram have confirmed by my views.


  12. Rajesh Avatar

    Can you please give me the exact address of this temple so i can visit once
    Thank You


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Malleswaram Shiva temple.Malleswaram Bangslore


  13. Saptarishi sharma Avatar
    Saptarishi sharma

    Nobody know the truth of the birth of this universe,some day some one will come and say Bangalore was founded by Abraham Lincoln and is grave is found here and show u a place and will never let to take dna sample and make him a the founder.the truth of everything is hidden,our world is more older then we imagine,no one know wat they found r invented previously.thank u for this wonderful article.


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