Devi Upasana Authoritative Texts To Follow

The highest Mantra of Hinduism speaks of Devi as Gayatri.

Lalitha Devi.
Devi, Lalitha Image credit:



The fact that The Devi worship was given importance may be known by  the highest place offered to the Devi in the form of the Gayatri Mantra.


Devi is worshiped in the  Surya Mandala, and is compared to the Sun and the Sun worship is the primary duty of every Hindu.


In the Sandhyavandan, the Devi is worshiped as the embodiment of the Veda.



The Srividya is the  best path for realizing the Devi or Para Brahman.


In a manner of speaking Sandhyavanadan is also Srividya as it worships the Devi.


On the eve of the Mahabharata War, Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to perform the Devi worship and Arjuna did so.


The Devi worship is mentioned in the following Puranas.


Brahmaanda ,Devi Bhagavatham,Markandeya Puaranam.


In addition Devi worship is described in detail in Agama Rahasyam,Samhita,Yaamalam,Aarnavam, Tantram.


The Soundaryalahari of Adi Shankaracharya is a Devi Tantra Shastra as well.


Fifty two Aksharas of the Devi are embedded among the Soundaryalahari 57 slokas composed by Shankaracharya.( the first 43 are reported to have been written by Lord Ganesh.


Apart from these there are innumerable texts on Devi Upasana.


Lord Shiva, after having divulged the secrets of the Shakti through many texts including Mantra and Tantra,has given the world the Sri Tantra.


This is also called the Sri Pura Upasana, Sri Vidya,


(Chatusshashtya Tantrayaihi.. Soundayralahari)


Dattatreya, considered to be an Avatar of Lord Vishnu, in his Datta Samhita, Thripura Upasana( 18, 000 Slokas).


Parashurama, again another Avatar of Lord Vishnu, abridged this and wrote the Parasurama Kalpa Sutram, in 6000 Slokas.


Parasurama’s disciple Sumedhas wrote another sutra, showing the Sutra as a conversation between Lord Rama and Datatareya.


This is now called The Parashurama Kalpasutra.


This is the ultimate authority on the Devi Upasana.


Bhaskararaya’s Disciple Umananda Nathar had wriiten Kithyothsava,an explanation of Parasuramkalpasutra.( Rameswara Sastry, who came after UmanandhaNathar had written “Sowbhaagyasudhodhayam.”


This is what is practiced in South India.


Bhaskararaya had written on The Vamakesara Tantra in his work ‘Sethubandham’, which explains the Niyhyashodasikavarnam.


Bhaskararaya has also written the Varivasya Rahasya, which contains the inner meaning of Devi Upasana.


LalithasahsranaamBhashya , Sethubandham and VarvasyaRahasyam are the three supreme Works of the Devi Upasana and are called the Ratnatraya

of Devi Upasana.(The Three Gems)


Adi Shankaracharya had also written on this subject, apart from the Soundaryalahari,in Prapanchasaara.


In Tamil Devi Upasana is explained in the Thirumaniram of Thirmoolar and in the Abirami Andhaadi of Abhirami Bhattar.


Very recently Ramana Maharishis’s disciple Kavyakanda Ganapathy sastri has written  Dasa Mahavidya.


These are the sources of the Devi Upasana and no other text has the authority on this Subject.


I am writing this, as, after posting a few articles on this subject,I have come to know that unscrupulous people posing as Gurus have misled people

,initiating them of SriVidya about which they know nothing,


quoting some text,s and have landed people into serious physical and mental problems.


I have warned of this in my post earlier.


This post is to reinforce that point and remember SriVidya must not be practiced with out a competent Guru.


As I said earlier, he does not advertise nor will he accept money.


Beware of the others.

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