Bathing God Hinduism Abhishekam Detailed Procedure

In Hinduism, Deities are bathed daily and they go through the daily routine of Man,

Every morning, around 4.30 am this Pooja is performed.

This is also called the Ushat Kala Pooja.

Bathing the Deity, Hinduism
Abhishekam In Thanjavur Temple.

The screen separating the Deity and the Devotees are removed and the Deity offers Darshan with the Dress and Ornaments  of the earlier day.

Then the screen is closed.

A detailed Bathing Ritual follows.

1.Danda Dhavanam-Brushing the Teeth.The Deity’s teeth are brushed( Symbolic) with Neem Stick while the Danda Dhavana Mantra is recited.

2.Removal of the earlier dress.

The Earlier dress is removed, reciting slokas on the Deity  Loin cloth and a cloth across the chest for Goddesses are placed.

3.Flowers and Ornaments are removed.

4.Then Follows the Bathing called Abhishekam.

First the Deity is bathed with water collected from the Temple Tank/well or from the River in the city and the water is poured from head towards the feet with water cascading from the right palm of the priest while his left hand pours water from a small vessel meant only for this.

(On special occasions water is poured from a Sieve containing 1000 pores.

This is called the Sahasra Tharai.)

Then Gingelly oil is applied.

Water is poured.

Then the Idol is wiped with a new cloth.

Then Abhishekam with Tender coconut water,Milk,Curds,Sandalwood paste,Honey follows.

Finally the idol is bathed with water again.

During the entire process Veda Mantras, Sri Rudram and Chamakam,Purusha Suktham, Narayana Suktha, Vishnu Suktham, Sri Suktham and Durga Suktham are recited.

This is the real Panchamrutha Snana and not the Abhisheka with Panchamrutham which ifs offered as a Naivedya,

Then the Deity is dressed up with clothes, flowers and ornaments that befits the Deity and the Day/Date.

Then Mantra Pushpa is recited ending with Sanyasa Yoga Slokas.

The screen for viewing remains open while bathing is done, closed when being dressed up to be opened again.

Then Upachaaras or Obeisance  ,64/16 follows.

Archana is performed and Arthi completes the Ritual.



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3 responses to “Bathing God Hinduism Abhishekam Detailed Procedure”

  1. Balaji P.K Avatar
    Balaji P.K

    Hello sir,

    I am doing the service at sai baba temple Mumbai , the authorities in the temple are performing the bath to baba in water then they are applying soap and shampoo.

    I told them not to app[y , but they told its the practice of this temple.. and I need to clarify whether we can apply soap and shampoo to the statue.

    Pls clarify

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    1. ramanan50 Avatar

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  2. […] con aceites y las adoran. La ceremonia incluso tiene un nombre – es la Usha Kala Pooja . Puedes Lee mas en el culto ritual al amanecer del lingam por parte de los hindúes de hoy, similar a como lo hizo […]


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