Mourning Death Theetu Rituals Hinduism Details

There are forty Samskaras to be performed by a Hindu.

Death is an important Samskara,

I will provide some guidelines with Links.

However, the suggestions of the Purohit is to be taken for consideration as some customs vary for each Caste and even in a Caste for a particular Family/Group.


Those who become Untouchable during the period of Mourning-Theetu

The following link is very useful.

Check list.

1.Inform Family priest, Sastrigal.

2.Keep the body lying head facing South.

3.Light an Oil lamp near the  Head;apply Vibhuti(basmam, not as a paste)

3.Light some Agarbathis to ward off smell.

4.As one is not to cook at Home till the body is taken out,inform relatives for arrangement of food for the day.

5.Inform people who are to be informed.

6.At best the body can be kept for about 10 hours;under special circumstances, it may be kept for 24 hours in an air-conditioned casket.

7.Those who go to the burning ghat must go the next day for the collection of Ashes.

8.Ensure that a Doctor visits and give you a certificate.

9.In the case of Death in a hospital, make sure that the necessary formalities are complied with and a certificate is obtained.

10.Inform the Crematorium about the expected time of the arrival of the body after consulting the Sastrigal.

11.At the Crematorium show the certificate and get a receipt. Some times it will be issued the next day.

12.Get the Death registered .

Clarifications on some aspects.

1,One can perform the ceremonies for the first twelve days at specified places,

However it is correct to perform all the Rites at Home and it will bring prosperity.

2.The rites for the first ten days may be done from the seventh day , performing the cumulative rites for six days.

3.There is still a custom in the Hindu communities. especially among Brahmins for a  Widow.

That of removing the Mangal Sutra or Thaali and breaking of Bangles in Public.

This does not have the sanction of the Sastras.

The wearing of Thaali is a later custom developed and it does not find a place in Vedic Marriage,

The removal of Mangal Sutra may be done some one who is widowed already(preferably elder to the one in question) quietly on the morning of the Eleventh Day,;have the bangles removed and have the Mangal Sutra removed and dropped in a vessel containing  milk.

One can perform all functions in the Family including Marriage after the Thirteenth Day, Subasweekara,Gruha Yajnam, except in the case of Spouse. Wife and children.

The Gruha Yajna means you are  permitted to do Yajna.

Subasweekaara means you invite Auspiciousness.

Suggestions, questions are welcome.

Additional Link.

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242 responses to “Mourning Death Theetu Rituals Hinduism Details”

  1. Maya Avatar

    The body has to be laid on the floor on a veshti or a bed sheet with the head facing south


  2. VK SWAMY Avatar

    Theetu has to be observed by dayadhis. Here I would like to know 10 days theetu has to be performed by dayadhis and 3 days theetu will apply to pangalis. 7 Thalai murai is taken into consideration to decide number of days theetu. How to take the Thalai murai and from an ester period we have to consider for this. Please clarify.


  3. Karthikeyan Avatar

    Please clarify is there any restriction of going to burial ghat who is having living farther and mother. Can the relatives who come for mourning stay in the house of chief performer of the mourning rites (say brother law’s house who is performing his mothers rite).


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Those whose parents are alive are prohibited from going to the burial Ghat.
      Those who come for mourning should not stay in the house where the event had taken place.


  4. M V Swaminathan Avatar
    M V Swaminathan

    Please clarify the following………
    A lady (of 80 year’s old) whose husband’s brother’s son’s son (in short Machinar’s Grand son) expired in an accident at his early 20’s and he was unmarried (bramachari) at the time of accident.

    Since the Gothram is same how long the theetu to be observed? for one year? Going to Temple and performing poojas and completing the committments (Venduthals in Tamil) are to be done only after one year?

    Please advise suitbaly with references of any Tamil books……

    M V Swaminathan


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      1.For accidental deaths no karmas need to be performed.

      2.Even if it is performed, after 13th day one can visit temples, perform subha Karyas.This is my view.I follow this in my family.
      Generally subha karyas are avoided for a period of one year including Venduthals,
      Ref.Vaidyanaatha Deekshiteeyam


  5. K. Ganesan Avatar
    K. Ganesan

    My father’s brother (elder) ‘s son, my cousin passed away how long the theetu to be observed? When can I start my routine?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After the thirteenth day.Sandhyavanadna can start from day three.



    please explain the position of a nephew doing death rituals of a tamil brahmin who does not have son or daughter


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Please refer my reply to you.





    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Nephew can perform the final rites.he can perform this including subhasweekaram,Unamasika monthly and Aadtheeka are also to be performed as well as yearl Sraddhas


  8. Sridevi Avatar

    I want to perform the mottai adithal function to my son (now 4 months) at his 11th month.During the time of his birth or before( I am not sure),my father-in-law’s brother(i.e his chittapa’s son) Husband’s family is saying that we shlould not perform any function for 1 year.But my son is having lots of hair and he is also having some dandruff issues.If I have to do this function then I have to wait until he reaches 3 years of age which is practically impossible.Could you please let me know whether the dosha is applicable to us or not


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      The accepted practice in such cases is to have a few locks of Hair cut and dropped in the family deity’s hundi.( the locks of hair may be wrapped in a yellow cloth).Then you can have the Mottai any where.When he reaches the third year,go to the family deity Temle and have the Mottai performed


  9. Subramanain Avatar

    my sister does not have any children and her husband also passed away. I have done her 2 days karma. Should I do rest of the karma for year or do I have the right to perform this karma


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      1.As you started the karma, complete till 13th day.It is beneficial and shall bring prosperity.Leaving in the middle now is not correct.
      2.If possible, you can perform the first Sraddha.
      3.You do not have the right.But since you have started it complete it.


  10. gopinath kannan Avatar
    gopinath kannan

    is it mandatory that the widow stays in the same home or can she stay in her son-in-laws house too before the 13th day. please reply


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      It is adavisable to stay in the same house.Under extraordinary circumstances one can move.This deviation may be used as a last resort


  11. ramnath Avatar

    My wife’s periyamma (my fater-in-law’s brother’s wife) has died, how many days of theetu for me and for my wife


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      One day.Some observe for three days.


  12. N RANGARAJAN Avatar

    My mother-n-laws’s brother’s wife died & how many days theetu has to be observed


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Take bath on hearing the news.No oter Theetu.


      1. N RANGARAJAN Avatar

        thanks a lot


  13. Jayasankar Avatar

    My father’s own sister aged 96 died. People say we should not lite village for 10days.not koalas. Is it correct? Teeth is only for 3 days.
    Kindly clear my doubts


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days Theetu as she belongs to another Gotra.


  14. N G Krishnan Avatar
    N G Krishnan

    Please let me know if my wife’s maternal uncle’s son expired whether my wife has theetu. If so for how many days. Whether theetu is there for me also for that period. Pl clarify.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No theetu as he belongs to another Gotra.Take bath after hearing the news.


  15. C V Srinivasa Gopalan Avatar
    C V Srinivasa Gopalan

    My fathers brothers wife died at the age of 91 . Can I tell prayers . What I should not do, except not visiting temples. I am currently overseas


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Theetu is for One year.As she was 91, it is called Kalyana Chaavu, Auspicious death.I hope her Karmas are being performed by her children.After 13th Day, you can go about your routine, no restricions. In my opinion, visiting Temples after this period is permitted, though sastris say other wise, as we perform Punyahavchana on the 13th day and visit temple on that day.Regds


  16. N S Padmanabhan Avatar
    N S Padmanabhan

    We are in a village in Palakkad (Palghat) three Big (thayathis are there in our Village.Some body died in the thayathis to observe ten days mourning and not not attending the temple.Some time He/She died in the same thaythis and the died person left the village 50 years back and to days date no body been seen also observing the (Theettu0(thhendal0.The fact story Im mentioned that my wife left Mumbai in Nov end 15 this year some House function and attending the Sasthapreethi.Suddenly the relatives died one by one after ten days gap The died persons are above 80 years-She is not seen the person at all.out of 44 days she has to observe 30 days (Theettu) and not able to attending the Sasathpreethi function in the temple.Pls explain whom to observed the (Theettu). Any specific rules are there in Tamil Brahimin community..To days time due to communication fast the news are appeared in Facebook.or some other communication.
    How ever the almost all year in the function time this is happening.People are spend time/money and coming form far place even out India to attending the function the (Theettu0(thhendal0. comes what they are about trust with god is disappearing.Regularly it is happening to any one of the Family yearly.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Plase contact me at my mobile +91 9620660247 as the information is unclear and may need to be addressed to.


  17. Vinodh Kumar Avatar
    Vinodh Kumar

    Dear Sir,

    Does our vedhas describes about theetu depending upon the relationship? For example: for mother – 1 year, for father – 6 months, other relations – 3 months.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Theetu is based on the Patrilineal order.For specific relations plese refer the Post. No blanket rules in general.Regds


  18. V. SETHURAMAN Avatar

    Can we have the Theetu Chart for various relations please?


  19. Ganesh S Avatar
    Ganesh S

    Sir, Can we have the Theetu Chart for various relations please?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have provided basic information Shakk try to post as required by you.Regds.


  20. Uma Sivaram Avatar
    Uma Sivaram

    My husband’s father’s brother (elder) ‘s son, my cousin passed away how long the theetu to be observed? When can I put kolam on vasal?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      If it is your husbands’s father’s brother’s son theettu is for 13 days.


  21. Viswanathan. Avatar

    my wife mother sister husband death age is around 87 so how long theetu will go


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.


  22. Ranjani Chari Avatar
    Ranjani Chari

    My husband’selder brother died.Do we as younger brother and his wife need to do some rituals and presents like “odividal” ?Pl explain .we 2 are non ritualists still


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Does the deceased have sons ?


    2. ramanan50 Avatar

      Odividal and auspicious functions may be performed aft the 13th day.


  23. vidvee Avatar

    My grandmother(father side) died on Dec 30 2015,at the age of 86.I need to know when can my mom and I go for girivalam,thiruvannamalai.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After the 13th day of Death.


  24. Vasanth S Avatar

    My father & mother is no more. My father’s mother expired 93 years old on 9th April. I was about to go to yathra sabarimala. Guruswamyasked remove mala. Removed it. How many days theetu i am having? is that 3 days or 10 days? Also, i shouldn’t go yathra for one year? one of my vaadhiyar said “i can go to sabarimala now and all temples as my father is no more and i am the kartha for my father since. Can you please clear me?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Technically after the 13th day you can perform all functions including going to Sabarimalai.Especially in this casecas she was 93 and this is considered as Kalyana Chaavu.


  25. ramanan50 Avatar

    Three days if it is your mother’s brother’s wife.


    1. Senthil Avatar

      My Periamma[mothers elder sister] had passed away, not sure for how many days is the theetu for us, some say 3 days i.e on 3rd day we can start auspicious activities, some say 13days and some run away when the topic discussed is related to death


      1. ramanan50 Avatar

        Theetu for three days.Subha karyas after the 13th day


  26. Sarath Avatar

    My mom’s dad expired and it been almost 4 months so can I go to tirumala


  27. Latha Avatar

    My grandfathers (father’s father)brother wife died (90 yrs)how many days theetu for me and to my husband some saying 3 days some 16 days .


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After the Thirteenth day, you can perform all subha karmas including visiting Temples


  28. S Avatar

    my mother in law passed away recently, we are staying at her place as no one else can stay for 16 days. what are the things we need to observe? i have also sent a message


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Who Performed the Karma?


      1. S Avatar

        my husband


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        You can stay tin the house.i hope you are performing/have performed the ceremonies.


      3. S Avatar

        my husband stays there at night but morning sends us to our house. tmrw is 7th and the karyam on 16th day, we are not sure if lamp is to kept for 30 days or 48 days. i have also sent a. text msg to the number in the comment to ask a bit more personal questions. whatever is required to be done kindly let me know. many thanks for this.


      4. ramanan50 Avatar

        Please send me communication to my mail ID ramanan50@gmail.I have not received any text msg yet. Regds.


  29. Dinesh Avatar

    My daddy’s elder brother expired on 30th march 2016 and my wife is currently three months pregnant . can we perform pooja’s and baby shower function at home as one year is not completed.


  30. sandhya Avatar

    my husband’s grandfather’s younger brother’s wife died last month. my father-in-law is also no more . i just want to know whether we can do all type of festivals( kollu, varalakshmi pooja…etc) this year.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After 13th day you can perform all auspicious ceremonies.


  31. Latha Iyer Avatar
    Latha Iyer

    Dear Sir, My mother in law expired some months ago and my husband is the only son. We have performed all the rituals from the third day itself at home. We perform all the monthly rituals like masiham and shodakumbham at home. However the extra masiham thithi is during a time when I need to go out for an academic programme. Is it possible to do this function on an alternate date?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Do it in the next corresponding Thithi.


  32. SUDHA Avatar

    HI, MY FATHER IN LAW’S OWN UNCLE (mother’s brother) DIED. MY FATHER IN LAW NO MORE. & how many days theetu has to be observed. Can I do big festivals like Diwali and Pongal


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.You can celebrate occasions.


  33. Ramaseshan Avatar

    Sir my aunt’s grandson expired. how many days theetu has to be observed by me? Thanks


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days if it is on Father’s side. If from mother’s side it is for the day you hear the news.


      1. Ramaseshan Avatar

        Thanks very much


  34. ch naga sudarsan rao Avatar
    ch naga sudarsan rao

    lot of changes are required in the practices being followed particularly in hindu familiies after the death of the husband with lot of uncultured and inhuman beliefs and not supported by any vedas . HUman approach is required to be spread all over the world and to be seen everybody with human touch and not inhuman beliefs.


  35. Gopalakrishnan Avatar

    Dear Shri Ramanan: My cousin’s (father’s elder brother’s eldest son) wife passed away last year (27 July 2015). I work and stay in the Middle East and come to India during the time of Varalakshmi Vratham and Avani Avittam so we can perform these in India. This year the Varalakshmi Vratham is on 12 August. The annual function for the deceased will be held from 13 to 15 August. My elder brother’s vadhyar advised him to perform the Varalakshmi Vratham on 19th instead of 12th August i.e. after annual function is over. However, for me postponing will result in disruption of our schedule as my wife and I have already arranged to travel on 19th and ticket/hotel bookings are already made. Would you please give us your guidance on whether we can proceed with performing Varalakshmi Vrathan on 12th August itself? Thank you and Namaskarams.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Strictly speaking when we perform Homa on the 13th day the Theetu is off. The terms Subhasweekara indicates that we adopt auspiciousness on the 13th day. The term Gruhayagnya means one is empowered to perform Homa. Such being the case I am of the opinion that after 13th day the Theetu is gone.Subha karyas can be performed. I celebrated my son’s wedding within 45 days of my elder brother’s demise. In my opinion the Vrata can be performed as also Yajur Upakarma. Regards.


  36. Gopalakrishnan Avatar

    Thank you for your valuable and reassuring advice. I will contribute my mite towards this blog as you are doing a tremendous service to help those in doubt and confusion and maintaining a website definitely involves expenditure which should rightfully be shared to the extent possible by those who benefit.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thank you. If you mail me at, I shall provide you with my Bank details.regards

      Liked by 1 person

    2. ramanan50 Avatar

      Received payment at PayPal,Thank you and Regards

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Ramadass Avatar

    I am from a telugu brahmin family. My mother (stepmom) and father died last year with my mother dying first on July 09, 2015 and my father after 3 months Oct 11th 2015. I have performed the final rites for both of them and now the annual ceremony is approaching. I’ve been advised that unless I finish my father’s annual ceremony I cannot perform my mother’s ceremony. …I want to know if this is right and if so when do I perform my mother’s ceremony. ..I want to do all that is needed as per rules….please advice….thanks


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Yes, Perform your Father’s ceremony first and your stepmother’s during the next corresponding Thithi of her death,that is if it was on Shukla Dasami, perform the Sraddha during the next Shukla Dasami


  38. Lakshmi pillai Avatar
    Lakshmi pillai

    I belong to non brahmin pillai family. My father in law expired on 4th august’16 at 7 pm. Today all the rituals will be done. What r the main (chadangu) to be performed by myself being the elder daughter in law. I m unable to attend the ceremony. My husband is present in the ceremony.
    Thank you


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      The ceremonies are to be performed by your husband with you being present by his side.No specific ceremonies for you. You are to be present with him for the ceremony.


  39. Bhagyam Venkitachalam Avatar
    Bhagyam Venkitachalam

    After the death of my husband’s brother’s wife can we perform a avani avittam after 40 days?


  40. Latha vaidyanathan Avatar
    Latha vaidyanathan

    Hello Sir, My Husdand lost his mother this year. This month is the seventh month since she has passed away. Can we do the AvaniAvittam. Does he wait for the Yagnam to get over or just change the threads?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can perform Avani Avittam at home.


  41. Chitra Avatar

    Dear Sir,
    I’m being the only child (daughter) for my mum who had just passed away on 31st July 2016, can i perform the 30th day prayer by myself in Sivan temple?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can perform prayer. If possible please feed the poor. No of people depends on your inclination. When you find time , after one year please visit one of the piteu Dosha parihara temples which I have mentioned in my article under the same title.regards


  42. R SENTHIL RAM Avatar

    I am going to Sabarimala for the past 19 years. I am organising the pilgrimage with around 10 to 12 swamis along with me, leading them to Sabarimala almost past ten years. The Irumudi Kettu will be performed by our Gurusamy. After that I will care them thro’ the yathra. I completed my 18th year yathra by 2014. This year January(2016), I started to performing Irumudi kettu thro’ my Gurusamy, to swamys’ who are coming with me to the yathra. But, this year my father passed away on march 4 (2016). So, this November, 2016, can I start my Vritham as usual along with my swamys. Shall I perform Irumudi Kettu and proceed the yathra. Some Guruswamys’ say that I can perform the vritham and pilgrimage, since I am the Gurusamy for the people who come with me. Otherwise, the continuity of their yearly yathra will get break. Some people say that I can start the pilgrimage, only after my father’s 1st death anniversary. Please clarify my doubt. Thanking you.
    Senthil ram.
    E.mail :
    mobile: 98411 42273.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can have Irumudi and Pilgrimage.You are eligible to perform all pilgrimages, auspicious functions from the 13th Day from the date of your father’s demise.
      Lord Iyappa will guide you


  43. Parthiban Avatar

    Friends I have small doubt???
    Ennudaya chithapa Magan earanthuta 4month back so na mala podalama reply me??????


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can wear after 13th day from the date of death.


  44. Harikrishnan M Avatar
    Harikrishnan M

    Hello Sir, My grandmother (Father’s Mom) passed away by 28th Aug 16, how many days should I wait to go to temples?? When can I go to Tirupathi??

    FYI: my father is eldest so he did the final ritualsto my grandma.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After 13th day subasweekars.


  45. Kandaswamy Avatar

    My Father passed away on 4th September 2016. My sister married a person out of caste. There is strong resistance in the family that she cannot participate in the 10th day Patthu. Can she participate in the pathu or not. please advise.


  46. Karthik Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    My Father-in-law recently passed away on 14 Sep while I was observing vritham for Sabarimala. I removed my holy mala and performed all the last rites for him, as i’m the only son-in-law here. Kindly advise if I can start my vritham afresh and visit Sabarimala in the coming months? There are few people who have advised me not to take the pilgrimage this year and wait until the next year.

    Your advise would be valuable.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I assume you will be performing the 45th day and annual Sraddha since you have performed the initial rites. Hence it is advisable to visit after one year as you should have completed the 45th day ceremony.


      1. Karthik Avatar

        Thanks for your prompt response, Sir. Yes, i’d be doing his annual Sraddham.

        Would this also mean that I can’t visit any other temples? Likes of Guruvayur, Tirupathi, et al.? My wife is due in Dec’16 and we are planning for our baby’s Annaprashan (“grain initiation”) in Guruvayur, which would be much before the annual Sraddham. Does this limit me from visiting other temples or attending any other functions/rituals?


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        You can perform all these. Technically you can perform all these aftercthe 13th day. I advised for going to Sabarimala be after one year.


  47. Hari Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    Our father expired on 20.09.2016 at the age of 91yrs. We are seeking alliance for my nephew aged 25yrs (my own elder brother’s son) for the last three months. My elder brother is alive. Can we solemnize his wedding before the “varushabthigam” of our father if proper alliance comes?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You Can perform Marriage before Varushaptheegam.


  48. rdineshbabupdy Avatar

    My father died last year Dec 23 2015. For deepwali Thukkam when we have to do prayers. Before deepwali


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No Thukkam after 13th day ceremony


  49. Raji Avatar

    How many days theetu for married woman whose periamma (father’s elder brother’s wife) passed away?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.


  50. srinivasachariar ramabhadran Avatar
    srinivasachariar ramabhadran

    this is the first time i happened to see your blog. everyone should thank you for your clear replies. since i had a doubt i landed on this site. i do not have any hesitation in taking your guidance/


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thanks. Regards.


  51. Aruna reddy Avatar
    Aruna reddy

    Hi sir,my father has passed away on 22.10.2016 and my father-in-law’s brother’s wife has passed away on 29.10.2016 . Sir can I meet my mother and can we attend the 10th and 12th day ceremonies of my father?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Do you mean you have not met your mother after your father’s demise?You can meet your mother any time in this case.Of course you can attend your father’s ceremonies.


      1. Aruna reddy Avatar
        Aruna reddy

        Sir I have met my mother on 5th day after my fathers death. Could not meet her on the 10th as they told us not to go. They told we cannot meet her until 10days Ceremonies of my husband sides death’s get over. So can I meet her ? Can we attend my father’s 12th day as we have thethu and their thethu is getting over?


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Yes.You can.


  52. Shyam Avatar

    Hello sir, My father left his body on January 1st 2016, I am the elder son I performed all the rituals that were required. Different purohits have a different say, The person who performed Pooja for us told that I should get married before the first death anniversary and do the Pooja with my wife, if not married within a year I have to wait for three years.. Other purohits told I have to marry after an year only.. We started looking for a alliance after 6 months and now the girl is finalized, marriage might be this month end in november. I am unsure if I am doing wrong by getting married before the year ends..


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Technically after 13th day subha karyas can be undertaken. In case of parents after 45 days. However
      Many follow the tradition of performing marriage (self) after one year.
      But as performing Sraddha along with wife is very auspicious I suggest you get married before the first anniversary. So your present action in getting married is correct.


      1. Shyam Avatar

        Thank you so much sir for such an immediate reply and for the time you are giving to clear our doubts, you have cleared my mind now thank you very much.. God bless you sir.


  53. Priyadarshini Avatar

    Hi Sir,

    My Mom’s elder Sister’s husband passed away, could you please let us know the procedure to call her to other sisters home within 10 days (he died last Friday). Per my knowledge if she doesnt come within 10 days, she cannot come for an year. Please advice


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Thursday would do.


      1. Priyadarshini Avatar

        Could you please explain the procedure to be followed as well.


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        You may visit on Thursday excepting Rahu kalam, with a piece of Manjal Kizhangu(turmeric piece with you, it need not be visible), offer condolences, return home and take bath.


  54. gopi Avatar

    Sir my grandpa brother son was passed this Thursday can I go with my son to sbarimala this month how many days I have theory


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can visit after 45 days from the date of death.


  55. Ranjit Raj Avatar
    Ranjit Raj

    Sir My grandmother passed away 10 months back.Can I go to sabarimala before completion of one year.
    Pls reply me sir.


  56. Balaji Ramamurthy Avatar
    Balaji Ramamurthy

    Sir, my grandmother passed away on 17th nov & i being one of the grandson, participated on the death day & took part in the “nai pandu” event, now my question is that should i be a part of the 10th day ceremony coz people say that one who visit for the death should be a part of the 10th day too – especially if you have shouldered the body, we need to be a part of the 10th day – pls advise


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Yes. You have to be present on 10th and thirteenth day.


    2. ramanan50 Avatar

      It is necessary for those who participated on the first day to be present on the 10 and 13th day and it is advisable.If you can not visit on these days due to circumstances beyond your control, you may visit any of the Pirtudhosha parihara temples I have listed.


      1. Balaji Ramamurthy Avatar
        Balaji Ramamurthy

        ok sir..thanks for detailed clarifications..since 10th day is a part of karma, I agree that we should be present, however since 13th day is subhasweekaram can we be without going on this day


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Aparakarma nivruthi on 13th day


      3. Balaji Ramamurthy Avatar
        Balaji Ramamurthy

        thnx sir..god bless


  57. Kadhirvelu Nisha Avatar
    Kadhirvelu Nisha


    My father-in-law’s cousin (son of father-in-law’s dad’s brother) passed away on 22/11/16. We planned for rituals for removing hair for my 11 months old on 04-12-2016. Relatives say it is a theetu for us & should not visit temple for next 30 days & we can postpone the rituals to Margazhi month (i.e., 12 th month for the baby).
    I am reluctant to have the ritual for removing hair on 12th month.
    Can you please guide me on this if it is ok to do it on 04-12-2016 as planned?



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      All subha karyas can be performed after the thirteenth day of death,including hair removal/ear piercing.


  58. Prabu Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your blog to enlighten us on rituals, I have a doubt. My cousin brothers wife (mothers side / periammas sons wife ) passed away on 22 Nov 2016 after brief illness . We cousins were there shouldered the body to the crematorium. Earlier we have planned to visit Palani and tonsure as nerthi kadan for my son coming 5th december. Can we do it as per plan or do we have to defer it cos of our Hindu Rituals. I am Kshatriya by class. Your clarity on this is much appreciated. Thanks


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can visit temples and perform auspicious functions from the 17th day.


  59. Prema Ramchandran Avatar
    Prema Ramchandran

    Dear sir,
    My sister passed away on the 17th of nov. 2016 …the first two days rituals were done and then the hasthi , was sent to kashi as she has only three girls all living abroad…the rest of the rituals they will do only after a couple of months…so for how many days ,should kolam not be put outside my house…I am her younger sister…can I celebrate karthi which is coming up on the 12th…or do I have to wait till 30 days are over…can I do pooja a in my pooja room.
    Thanking you
    Prema Ramchandran
    29th nov.2016


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Your theetu is for 13 days from the date of demise. Aftter that you can perform all auspicious functions including Drawing Kolam ‘ visiting temples .


  60. Raji Avatar

    Want to know theetu for how many days for death of married son’s paternal grandfather’s first wife’s daughter-in-law? The particular son in question is the grandson from his paternal grand father’s second wife.

    So, it will be his father’s step-brother’s wife who has died.

    Tomorrow is Karthigai deepam–want to know if lights can be lit in the house ? If so, how many days after the death of the above said person?



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Theetu 13 days.You can light Karthigai deepam if the death was 13 days earlier. Subhakaryas may be performed after the 13th day Subasweekaaram.


  61. Sandy Avatar

    My husbands grandma passed away in the month of august 2016. Can i put kolam and lit deepam for Karthigai ?


  62. N. Ashok Kumar Avatar
    N. Ashok Kumar

    I am brother-in law of the deceased,who had no children, performed the initial rituals
    i.e., Cremation, 3rd day ceremony, Immersion of ashes and 13th day ceremony etc.,
    I just want to know
    1. Can I perform daily pooja in the pooja room
    2. can I visit Temples including Tirumala
    3. Can I perform Vrathams in the house

    If not, what is duration for each above

    N. Ashok Kumar (


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can perform all subhakaryas,visiting temples after 13th day.This includes visiting all temples.


  63. s.padmanabhan Avatar

    How many days theettu for the death of cousin brother for an unmarried Lady (father’s brother’s son)


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.


    2. s.padmanabhan Avatar

      Thanks a lot for your prompt answer regs.


  64. SIVA SANKARAN Avatar

    My own brother past away on 31/12/2016 & father past away on 02/01/2017. completed 27 days unna masiyam. For both peoples the final rituals are done my another elder brother itself. Now my question is can i go to my father in-law house now or need to wait up 45 days completion. Pls let us know


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can go as 13th day is over.


      1. SIVA SANKARAN Avatar

        thank you


  65. SIVA SANKARAN Avatar

    My own brother past away on 31/12/2016 & father past away on 02/01/2017. completed 27 days oona masiyam. For both peoples the final rituals are done my another elder brother itself. Now my question is can i go to my father in-law house now or need to wait up 45 days completion. Pls let us know


  66. Diwakar Avatar

    My father passed away at age of 72 on 2nd Feb 2017. I’m the youngest child living in US. I visited my father 4 days before he passed away and returned to US. My elder brother performed the cremation in my absence. The current circumstances are such that I may not be able to visit for 10 th day and asthi visarjan since my wife is pregnant and alone in US. Can you please suggest if it would cause my father to not get gati in his onward journey? Would it also cause pitru dosha to me and to my unborn child?

    Appreciate your response.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Nothing to worry.Your elder brother,kartha has performed the rituals. You may perform Varushaapteegam.. You may visit any of the Pitru dosha parihara
      Temple when you can.


      1. Diwakar Avatar

        Thank you Sir for the response.


  67. Archana Avatar

    My husband’s Mama’s daughter died how many days a teethu for us


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.


  68. Meera Avatar

    Sir .. what is the significance of 28th day after death? Thank you!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Not aware of this.


  69. Shiv Avatar

    My husband is the youngest step brother of his deceased second brother.( my mother in law’s step son).We live in the US and his step brothers family live in India.They do not have a son but two other brothers are performing the last rites in India.

    My question is how many is the theetu to be observed and can we move our house if we intend to do.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar
  70. Sandhya A.M Avatar
    Sandhya A.M

    my grandma died on this pongal 2017 can i tie karadayan nombu kayiru


      1. Sandhya A.M Avatar
        Sandhya A.M

        thank u sir can my mom and perima tie thread


  71. Sharme Arvind Avatar

    Sir, My sister in law’s father in law expired last week. I couldn’t go that time to my native. Some people say I should go and meet her mother in law before the ceremony of removing mangal suthra? Is his true? Or can I go and meet her after the ceremony also?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Meet her before 10th day or after one year. I recall having replied in detail sometime back by email.


  72. shiri kole Avatar

    my husband’s grand mother expired in february 2017.can we go to temple ?and can we do deeparadhana?daily at home r not we r independent family we are not staying with my mother in law


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can perform all subha karyas once the Subha Sweekara is your case also, you can go ahead.


  73. Atul Jha Avatar girlfriend’s father got expired on 4th April. Do we have to wait for one year before marrying? or we can marry each other after six months? She is from Yadav community in Madhya Pradesh. Please clarify what should we do. Thanks in advance!


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can get married after 45th day.


    2. Atul Jha Avatar

      She says as per their custom she can’t get married during one-year period post death. Can you please provide me any authentic reference which I can show to her?


      1. ramanan50 Avatar

        45th day ceremony that has to be over .Authority is Deekshadeeyam text. However as tgese have sentimental values, you may listen to her.


  74. Vishnu Viswanathan Avatar, my mother’s cousin (my grandma’s elder brother’s son) passed away, after how many days I can visit the temple?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can visit after the 13th day.


  75. bcv2017 Avatar

    My maternal uncle died and I lit the funeral pire. How many days of theetu to be followed ? Is it one year because I lit the funeal pire ?


  76. Raghavendrra Mahesh Avatar,
    My uncle(father’s younger brother) passed away on the 3rd of June, 2017. I was planning to get married this month or the next, would I have to wait for a year to get married? I am a brahmin of the smartha caste.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      My view is that you can get married 45 days after the day of demise. I follow this. I had got my son married after 45th day of my elder brother’s demise.


      1. Sivakumar (@rtrsiva) Avatar

        Sir. My grandmother (Dad’s Mother) passed away on 24th of June, 2017. We planned to bring my wife and new born baby (five months old, bringing for first time after birth) from my wife’s place to my place on 25th of June, 2017. But that was postponed because of my grandmother’s expiry. We live in city and my grandmother’s place is village. Now can we bring my wife and child after 16th day ritual ?


  77. Sivakumar (@rtrsiva) Avatar My grandmother (Dad’s Mother) aged 84, expired on June 24, 2017 in her village. My grandfather expired 25 years back. My dad is the second child of that family and has an elder sister. We have the 16th day rituals on July 8, 2017.
    We planned to bring my wife and new born baby (5 months old) to my place (We live in a city) for the first time from my wife’s place on June 26, 2017. This plan was postponed as my grand mother expired.
    Now can we bring my wife and child to my place after the 16th day rituals are completed?


  78. Vardhini Sundararajan Avatar


    Can a son in law (whose parents are alive ) perform the last rites and the yearly shraaardham for his father in law? This is a case where the daughter is the only child.


  79. arun cj Avatar

    My father passed away on September 27 2017 in india, myself and my elder brother live in USA but traveled to india and completed all required rituals. We also stayed in india for close to 40 days and due to visa stamping procedures we had to travel back hence could not perform 45th day ritual after reaching here. What is the next step that we should do in order to mitigate this mishap.. Kindly advise


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may perform Tharpana on the 45th day.And perform Varishaapthikam on completion of One year.You may perform tharpana on the 180th day.
      I am assuming you will be away from India during this period and be back in India for Varushaaptikam.


  80. MungamuriV Ramakanth Avatar mother expired two years back. Yesterday suddenly my father expired. In this one year can I do my mother’s annual cermonies. We strictly followed all the religious practices


  81. Mohan Ram Avatar

    My fathers sisters son aged 84 passed away yesterday can I light karthi Deepak. I am married so different Gotham. How many days theta for us .thanks in advance


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days Theettu.


  82. Pulakkad Krishnan Avatar

    Sir, my father’s chitthappa’s son passed away (my chittappa) and we were told not to do any prayers etc. for 11 days. Does this mean that I should not even think of god during these days


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can do sandhyavandana . Other pooja after thirteenth day You can think of God anytime.


      1. Pulakkad Krishnan Avatar

        Thanks for the clarification. But can we think of rudram, chamakam, suktams etc. by heart and not chant during these thirteen days or even that is banned, please revert


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        If u can, you can.


  83. Manmohanlal Gupta Avatar

    my elder brother who was living separately with his family from me aged 78 years died on 14 -01 2018 . his son did the last rites and on 16 th jan 2018 uthavanee ie asthee visarjan has been done.
    when should i start going to temples and start performing pooja at my house.and when should i start the construction of my new house.
    when can i engage a contractor for for erection of house .
    m m l gupta


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      After thirteenth day ceremony is over, you can perform all auspicious activities.


  84. Ambika saravanan Avatar
    Ambika saravanan

    Hello Sir, my husbands father ( my father in law)expired on feb 2017, we r planning to construct a house this month( Jan 2018)… we want to do it in Thai mansam.. can we do it??? Or without our presence can we ask the mason to start the construction in his own way doing simple pooja.. please suggest


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      I have replied to your email.You can do this after 45 days.


  85. Tiru Narayan Avatar

    My mother-in-law in India passed away last week. According to our age-old customs, we received an invitation for the 10th-13th day rituals. I understand the 13th day is subha sweekaram. Question I have is can we keep the invitation, or should we destroy it? I am sure this topic is not sanctioned by the scriptures, but more of a practice.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Destroy it.


  86. Rohini Ramasamy Avatar

    Hi, My mother’s mother(Maternal Grandmother) passed away yesterday July 30th, 2018. She was 93 yrs old and she lived with my mother. Last rites was performed by my mother’s elder brother. Her death star is sadhyam. Will there be adappu? if yes, for how long and what should be done?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Rohini, Dhanishta, Satabhisham, Purvabhadra, Revathi, Mrugasira, Punarvasu, Uttara, Chitra, Visakha, Uttarashada, and Magha.

      Thithis, Waxing and Waning of the Moon.

      Padyami, Vidiya, Shashti, Ashtami, Ekadasi, Dwadasi, Trayodasi, Chaturdasi and Amavasya.


      Sunday, Tuesday, Friday and  Saturday.
      As it is on your maternal side ,you have Theetu for three days only. Some follow till Subasweekara. For your brothers,their families,father’s brothers’ families and your mother Adappu applicable.Please check the article in the link.Regards.


      1. Rohini Ramasamy Avatar

        Thank you Sir! you have mentioned in one of your comments that 93 is kalyana Chaavu. Since my grandmother was also 93, does the adappu not matter?


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Yet Adappu is advisable


  87. Siva Sankaran Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    My mother elder sister husband is past away, whether theetu is applicable for us. Kindly advice



    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Three days.


  88. Vijayalakshmi Selvamani Avatar

    My father-in-laws brothers wife passed away 09-10-18 In India. We are in US and didnot celebrate any festivals since then. For karthigai, I lit two lamps in perumal sannidhi, Is that wrong?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      No issues and don’t worry unnecessarily


    2. ramanan50 Avatar
  89. Srinivasan C Rajagopalan Avatar
    Srinivasan C Rajagopalan

    I need a clarification .. Can I ask..


  90. Srinivasan C Rajagopalan Avatar
    Srinivasan C Rajagopalan

    My sister daughter (20 years) expired a week back and I attended the funeral. I am planning to be present for 10th day ceremony only and not on 13th day because of other work. Is it mandatory to attend 13th day if we attend 10th day or not ?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Advisable to attend Thirteenth day


  91. Srinivasan C Rajagopalan Avatar
    Srinivasan C Rajagopalan

    Thanks – The reason I asked was that 13th day falls on Monday. I was told that we can’t leave on Monday or next day which Tuesday also – This means I need to stay from Day 10 th Day 14th. Only on 15th day I can leave her home


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      To my knowledge,there is no issue after attending 13th day and leaving after the function is over at your convenience. Attending 13th day homa purifies. Regards.


  92. Srinivasan C Rajagopalan Avatar
    Srinivasan C Rajagopalan

    Would like to talk to you – Can you please share your mob no (if its ok with u)


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You may send me your mobile number to me at and then call me preferably before 10 pm IST


  93. Srinivasan C Rajagopalan Avatar
    Srinivasan C Rajagopalan

    One more query – If I leave for 10th day ceremony from my house in Chennai, I heard that I MUST come back back directly to my house and not plan to go anywhere else ( ex. my relative at B’lore) – Is it true


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Yes. You have to return home before going elsewhere.


  94. Saroj Ess Avatar
    Saroj Ess

    Hello sir, My father in laws brother died at the age of 79. My father in law has passed 10 years ago. This is my husbands chitappa who died today. I have booked tickets for my elder brother’s daughter’s marriage in Kerala. I have booked return tickets which are non refundable for visiting our family temples. The marriage is the next day of the 13th day. Can I go to my kuladevam bhagavathy temple after the marriage is over or can I go to the temple and do one puja only after one year?
    Some people say we cannot go the temple having dwijavastambham till one year. But in Kerala most of the temples have dwijavastambham. Kindly advise me.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can visit temples after thirteenth day. No issues.


  95. Rajagopalan Balasubramanian Avatar
    Rajagopalan Balasubramanian


    Can someone who attended the 13th day function come and visit a new born baby directly from the home which performed the function?

    Thanks in advance


  96. Anusha S Avatar
    Anusha S

    Namaskaram, My mother passed away last year (Aug. 4, 2018) and her first year shraddha is happening on July 22/23/24, 2019. I am going to Chennai to help my brother do the necessary prayers. I just found out that my periamma (deceased father’s elder brother’s (also deceased) wife passed away on July 1, 2019. My cousins are conducting the rites now – July 13 is the subasweekaram for periamma.
    My question is can we proceed with my mother’s shraddham as planned on July 22/23/24 or do we have to cancel/ reschedule? And if cancel, when can we do my mother’s first year shraddham?


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can proceed with Mother’s sraddham


  97. Bharathi Subramanian Avatar
    Bharathi Subramanian

    I would appreciate your clarification on the following. My father`s first-year annual srardham is next month. Vadhyar has given a five-day schedule (1) Unam Maskiam (2) Sodhakumbhma (3) Vimokam (4) Aapdhigam and (5) Navagraha Homam. But some of my relatives are telling me that varusapdikam is only a 4-day ceremony. I would highly appreciate your views on this.

    Thanks and regards

    Bharathi Subramanian


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Your Vadhyar is right.


      1. Bharathi Subramanian Avatar
        Bharathi Subramanian

        Thank you

        Regards and Namaskaram
        Bharathi Subramanian


  98. Vamsi Mohan Avatar
    Vamsi Mohan

    my mothers mother( i.e.grandmother) died on 5th Jan 2020, I being eldest son to my mother, i have performed the final rites and nitya karma and now I am also performing the monthly shardha, we are telugu brahmins, please advise can I visit temple and relatives house and marraige functions.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can visit temples and relatives’ house after the thirteenth day Gruha Yagnya.However, in some families, it is a practice to visit temples after first Aapthigam.Technically you can visit after the thirteenth day. Sentimentality speaking,you can after first aaptheegam. The Choice is yours. My suggestion would be that one can visit after the thirteenth day.


  99. Balaji Ramamurthy Avatar
    Balaji Ramamurthy

    Hello mother passed away on 24th March 2020 early hours of 03:05am..due to carona virus scare & lock down, with great difficulty we were able to perform the cremation at crematorium & immersion of ashes in a lake as per our vathiyar’s instructions & Hindu rituals. Vathiyar says due to situations prevailing we would not be able to perform any rituals & only we have lit a lamp at our house & we are following all theetu procedure of taking bath, preparing food without onion & garlic, keep food for crow & then having lunch, vathiyar says once situation comes to control then we can perform all the rituals religiously & for every such situation there is always a solution in the Hindu it ok to do so & what is the pariharam for this pls give your opinion & suggestion..rgds balaji


      1. Balaji Ramamurthy Avatar
        Balaji Ramamurthy

        Thank you so much sir, will follow accordingly


  100. suganc Avatar

    Hi , Need a help in drafting a invitation card template for 10th day ritual of my grand mother death ceremony. Please help me in providing a template with XXX date,place
    details for date,thiti etc..


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      Send me your email id. I shall forward


      1. suganc Avatar

        thankyou Sir …. my id:


      2. ramanan50 Avatar

        Draft sent


  101. BalaSaraswathy Packiri Avatar
    BalaSaraswathy Packiri

    Hi Sir, my father-I-law expired on 9th Aug 2019. How about celebrating Lakshmi pooja on 31st July of 2020. So far I haven’t celebrated any festivals. Every year I used to keep Lakshmi at home. So am little concerned whether I can do pooja this year or not. If we break that pooja cycle will there be any issues. Please advice. Thanks.


    1. ramanan50 Avatar

      You can perform pooja


      1. BalaSaraswathy Packiri Avatar
        BalaSaraswathy Packiri

        Thank you sir.


  102. Raghav Swaroop Avatar
    Raghav Swaroop

    Sir, My Grand Father’s Brother who was staying in the US passed away. We have not really been in touch with their family all this while. And now we are asked to follow the Mourning rituals i.e. Theet and not making food with onion and garlic etc until Shubham. Also being asked to not follow any festivals etc. This appears to be quite illogical as when My father-in-law passed away we continued to follow all the Festivals etc. even though wife was in grief. I am married to a Non-Brahmin. Can you please advise if the mourning procedures have to still be followed as it doesn’t really make any sense? Of course, being a Patriarchical society all these are just enforced on us with being given a reason.


      1. Ramanis blog Avatar

        As to Logic ,there are things beyond logic. In fact logic can not prove itself. Leave that aside, Life itself is not logical.


    1. Ramanis blog Avatar

      You may read other related posts too.


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