Why Babies Cry Reasons Medicines

Baby Cries GIF
Baby Crying

If a Baby (less than a year),cries incessantly, one is rattled.

We do not know what the reasons are and what to administer.

There are may reasons why a Baby cries for apparently no reason.

They could be because of any of the following factors.

It is Hungry.

Mother can usually differentiate  the cry for food.

Feed the Child.

2.I need to be held.

Cuddle the Baby

3.Feel like crying.

Babies sometimes cry because they want to cry.

Biologically this prevents Acidosis, when the Acid content in the metabolism becomes high.

The Baby cries.

When it cries, Carbon di oxide in the system increases(mouth open) and the balance is restored, the Baby stops crying.

4.Change the  Nappy.

5.Feel extremely hot or cold, React accordingly.

6.Check and feel the tummy.

If the child winces or cries louder, it means it has a tummy problem.

Give the child Colic drops , prescribed by a Doctor and consult a Doctor immediately.


I shall post some Home Remedies for babies.

Some more tips.

Rock-a-bye baby

Babies usually love to be gently rocked. You could:

  • Walk around while rocking her.
  • Sit with her in a rocking chair.
  • If she’s old enough, sit her securely in a baby swing.
  • Take her out for a ride in your car.
  • Take her out for a walk in her pushchair.

Try a massage or a tummy rub

Using massage oils or cream and gently rubbing her back or tummy can help to soothe your baby. It may also make you feel better, as it’s a practical way of reducing your baby’s distress. Ask your health visitor about local baby massage classes.

Try a different feeding position

Some babies cry during or after feeds. If you are breastfeeding, you may find that improving the way your baby latches on helps her to feed calmly without crying.

If she seems to have painful wind during feeds, you could try feeding her in a more upright positionBurp your baby after a feed by holding her against your shoulder. If your baby cries straight after a feed, she may still be hungry.

Let her suck on something

In some newborns, the need to suck is very strong. Sucking at your breast while you are breastfeeding, a clean finger or a dummy can bring great comfort. Comfort sucking can steady a baby’s heart rate, relax her tummy, and help her to settle.

Give her a warm bath

warm bath may soothe your baby and help her to calm down. Check the water temperature before placing her in there. But bear in mind that this may also make her cry more. In time, you will get to know your baby’s likes and dislikes.”


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