Six Month Banking Blockade of WikiLeaks.

Those who talk of Freedom must respect it.

No doubt some of the information leaked by WikiLeaks embarrassed every one , like the one on what US thinks of other countries in private.

You have prosecuted Assange on a charge which every one thinks is funny.

This banking Blockade is going to the extreme.

Has the blockade helped?

WikiLeaks releases advertisement coinciding with the six month unlawful banking blockage against it

Censorship, like everything else in the West, has been privatized.

For six months now, five major US financial institutions, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, Western Union and the Bank of America have tried to economically strangle WikiLeaks as a result of political pressure from Washington. The attack has blocked over 90% of the non-profit organization’s donations, costing some $15M in lost revenue. The attack is entirely outside of any due process or rule of law. In fact, in the only formal review to occur, the US Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy C. Geithner found, on January 12, that there were no lawful grounds to add WikiLeaks to a financial blockade.

Sample of Wikileak .

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