I have written about the presence of Sanatan Dharma in Russia. We find references in Indian texts, Puran ( eighteen) Mahabharata and Ramayana.The step mother of Sri Rama of Ramayana was Kaikeyi and she was born in Russia.

1. Narada Mountain in Russia
2.Arkaim Rig vedic Mandala city in Russia

.3.Narahari Vishnu in Russia.

Russia is sthree varsha,

Amrvathi, the capital of Indra, the chief of Devas was in Russia,

Yagnyavalkya lived in Russia,

Lord Krishna’s son, Pradhyumna founded a city Port Baijin, Russis,

The Vedas were called Santi Veda,…..

River Moksha is found in Russia…..

You may check for more evidence by googling Russia+ramanis blog.

By referring to texts of Sanatan Dharma and Ancient Tamil literature, one finds Sanatana Dharma Links to world culture and Civilizations.I have documented them in this site.

As I happen to have basic knowledge of Sanskrit and ancient Tamil, I record information I find which appeal to as connected to either Sanatana Dharma or Tamil or both. As the site is research based, you may not find all information regarding one subject,that is in this case, Russia, in one article.As evidence mounts, I collate them, see how far they go and stand the test of verification and cross verification. Thus, I have been able to find evidence to confirm the presence of Sanatan Dharma throughout the world.So, before jumping the gun stating that mere mention of names is not sufficient proof for the presence of Sanatan Dharma, I request the reader to have an open mind,check the references and links I have provided in each article and also read other related articles.

Now there is a Sita Lake in Russia.Taking into consideration the information that Sanatan dharma was present in Russia as evidenced as stated above,there seems to be some strong evidence to relate Sita to Sita Lake.

I am searching for information and readers may contribute.

Lake Sita , Russia
The Sita River is a river in the Khabarovsk Territory

The Sita River is a river in the Khabarovsk Territory . The sources of the river are swamps, located near the village of Sita, district named after Lazo. The river flows into the shallow Petropavlovskoe Lake, which is connected by channels with the Amur River. The main tributaries are: Obor, Chernaya, Dzhulikha, Kamenushka, Malaya Sita Vtoraya, Malaya Sita, Beshenaya. It spills heavily during floods, flooding a low-lying swampy valley for many kilometers.

Between the villages of Knyaze-Volkonskoye and Blagodatnoye, it forms a wide valley where gravel is mined and a dredger works. Here, on the site of a former quarry, Blagodatnoye Lake was formed – a favorite summer vacation spot for Khabarovsk residents.

Navigable only for small vessels. In the areas of the villages Blagodatnoye and Knyaze-Volkonskoye, the river is crossed by two reinforced concrete bridges. The waters of the river are taken for technical and economic needs.

Reference and citation. Sita River Russia

Original of the material quoted above is in Russian .Here it is.

Река Сита́ — река в Хабаровском крае. Истоки реки- болота, расположенные рядом с поселком Сита р-на им.Лазо. Впадает река в мелководное Петропавловское озеро, сообщающееся протоками с рекой Амур. Основные притоки: Обор, Черная, Джулиха, Каменушка, Малая Сита вторая, Малая Сита, Бешеная. Сильно разливается в половодье, затапливая на много километров низменную заболоченную долину.

Между сёлами Князе-Волконское и Благодатное образует широкую долину, где ведется добыча гравия и работает земснаряд. Здесь, на месте бывшего карьера образовано озеро Благодатное – излюбленное место летнего отдыха хабаровчан.

2 responses to “Sita Lake, Village in Khabarovsk Russia”

  1. seems wrong way.


  2. listen near moscow names of rivers since minute 02:00


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